Monday mornin', it was all I hoped it would be"
Today was a good day. After Tommy and I got up we worked on some New Age Foto stuff TOGETHER! Usually we are in separate offices all day, unless we are shooting. Today it was sitting down at the same computer. It was nice. After some work we went to Amber's house. We took over the "truck load" of baby stuff that I got on Saturday. Wow! She was so very excited. We beat her to house and when she pulled in the drive we had already unloaded almost half of it. Amber pulled up her sunglasses and said, "Holy Crap!" I said back, "Wait till you see the living room!" A barely used (I mean BARELY used) "Pack 'n' Play (w/bassinet and changing table add ons, Swing, Bouncy Seat, Car Seat, Bath Seat, tons of 0-6 month toys and SO MUCH MORE! Everything we received was in such great condition. Wow! Once we got everything in... Tommy started assembling. And hour later we had it all set up and ready to go for whenever baby comes.
Amber is Due on the 10th of Feb (not too long from now). Although she was contractions 10 mins apart from each other as soon as she stopped being so active the contractions stopped. She thinks it will still be a week or so before baby comes. We did have such a nice time visiting with her. I also got to feel my FIRST prego belly. For me is was so special knowing that it was Amber's belly. Can you believe that with ALL THE KIDS I baby sat for, and prego ladies I have known, that this was my first belly touch? Amber was having a contraction and said, "Feel it!" I was so excited to!!! I have read so many times that women generally hate when people touch their bellies, so I've never asked!
After Amber's we ran some errands; Bank, my Mom's and Meijer! When we went to Meijer Tommy said I could run over to the other side of the store and get some scrapping stuff! :) My butt was on the other side of the store so fast!!!! Wanna see what I got? I don't care if you said "Yes" or "No", I'm showing ya! :)

After we got home we had dinner and got some more house stuff done. I also played with the dog for a while. Who, by the way, is not good at... "Drop It"! Oh my gosh, I almost forgot!!! Before Tommy and I started work (at 8am) I made a new recipe! Of course I saw it on Rachel Ray. It's called Stuffed Shell Casserole. For those of us who don't have time to "stuff shells" you can put all the ingredients together in a "hot tub" (as she calls it) and let'em bake! Check it out. Click on the S.S.C. link above! I gave one to Amber, one for us to keep and one for my mom so she didn't have to cook this week.
if anything, jill, you will like what i got! i will share the flowers! they are such beautiful colors! muah!