If you remember "Little Meredith" you know that I was obsessed with making crapes as a little girl. My mom found a recipe for me out of a cookbook at the library. We copied it, took it home and still today I have the original copy in my "firebox" by the front door. I couldn't find a crape pic but here's a diff one to prove that I was a lil cook! lol!
I must say that I was not extremely happy with the way that this cake turned out. I will tell you that upfront now but I still want to blog about it because it took all day to make and it tasted really good. Lol. I was flipping though a Martha Stuart Living magazine (that Jill gave me last week) and saw this picture. I thought, Oh my Gosh. I don't care how long it takes to make, I have to make that!
I told Tommy to have his camera ready to snap a pic when I was done with the last layer but by the time he walked back down the hall it was slouched over like a 99 year old granny. I was soooooooooo sad. You are to let the crapes cool before layering; lemon crape, lemon filling, lemon crape etc. I let them cool for at least 30 mins after making the last one but I don't think it was long enough. The recipe should have said “completely” cool instead. But, it's ok, it still tasted the same.
I was still so encrediably good. I could not get over how rich it was. I am a huge chocolate fan but sometimes sweets that are mostly all sugar I can only eat so much. This one, I could have had the whole thing. Wow! About an hour after we ate desert I went to saran rap the rest to put in the fridge, the lower half of it had set. So at least I was able to get a shot of what it was supposed to look like cut down the middle. Like I said either way, it tasted amazing. Tommy couldn't get enough of it. I actually slapped his hand at one point. I was afraid he was going to get sick from eating too much of a very sweet thing. I think in the between the filling and the crapes there was at least 2 cups of sugar, 3 eggs and an additional 6 yokes. So worth it though. I shared with my rents and they were in love! I am going to make it again at some point but for now I have some new frozen treats I want to make!
Tommy LOVES Italian Ice so I decided to make that the next night. I had a choice of Strawberry or Pineapple. I chose Strawberry cause they were on sale at Mejier. It was a VERY simple recipe and I recommend that you make it. It tasted perfect and lets face it, they're kinda fun to eat.
Here's the recipe. I got it out of Food Network's mag that Jill gave me! This is obviously the strawberry one and I am making a pineapple one tonight. I can't wait to try it.
Yeah, so there should be a picture of the end result but we ate it before I got a picture of an individual serving. Tommy loved it! Can't wait to try the pineapple one tonight.
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