The rest of the month of July was quite eventful. The night of the 23rd Tommy went out with some friends to a concert. I was not feeling well so I did not go. :( They all had a blast seeing "OfHuman" perform. Afterwords 8 of them went out to eat/hangout. While we was downtown in the dry weather at home is was insane. I don't remember if I have ever been through a storm like that before!!! I usually love that kind of weather and I WAS FREAKIN' OUT! You can "know it all" by my Facebook away post!
That morning we went to Church and the power was still out. The 9:30 had been canceled and our pastor decided to still preach the 11 because everyone was there, the 9's and the 11's. LOL. Can you find Pastor Ross?
~God said there would be light! He blessed the church with power in the middle of service!~
~The neighborhood got some water!~
On Sunday after church Mom, Dad, Tommy and I went to Fanklin Park to walk around and have a picnic. Tommy and I were there exploring in June and found that the park had a section that we didn't even know about and they are adding on to it as well. I love Columbus!
This photo was taken in the community garden where you can lottery yourself into having a plot of land. Tommy and I love artichokes but I don't think I ever knew the way they grew, really. And I surely never knew that they blossomed on top... beautiful!
Tommy got a nice photo of Mom & Me. I was so happy that we got to show them around the park! Behind us is one of the buildings that FP teaches culinary classes at. They use food from the gardens and the community can sign up for classes at a reasonable price.
~The Boys~
I was so excited (even counting down the days) for us to have our picnic/walk. Mom and Dad brought meatloaf sandwiches - YUM - drinks and dessert. I packed up watermelon and made Jamie Oliver's Pasta Salad in my 2Qt and 4Qt Collapsible Bowls from the Pampered Chef and used my new Cool 'N' Serve Tray. I had two dips, three veggies and strawberries. The cooler/ice packs underneath the dividers also flip over to hold 24 delved eggs or 12 with a divider OR take is all out and carry 12 cupcakes! I love this this pampered chef product. I also used the cooler, cups, silver ware, serving spoons and plate that I earned from the company! :) We all had a wonderful time eating and talking together. I hope we can do it again soon.
~Mom & Me~
When we got back to my parents house Tommy and I knew that we had to "check-in" on the garden. The tomatoes are officially taller than me! The grape leaves and vines are going quickly too!
On our tomato plant Tommy and Daddy spotted some of those _____ "Tomato Worms"! I wanted to kill them but the boys got a hold of them first! LOL! They demolished my tomatoes AND jalapeno peppers last year... they think they were invited back - I DON'T THINK SO!
After we left my parents we went over to Jill and Marvin's to Celebrate Marvin's Birthday. We we so excited that our schedule aloud us to go! Audrey and Brooke were and are still "In Love" with Tommy and wanted his attention all night long! Here is lil A-Dub on the stairs begging Tommy to come chase her! Lol!
Jill got a cute lil cake for Marvin and they were sweet enough to send it home with us. I love this photo of him with the girls - so cute!
Brooke was making me and Jill laugh so hard after cake. She was taking one of Jill's scarves and tying up her sister in about every way possible. Audrey was a good sport. It was very entertaining to watch, as it went on for at least 20 mins. Silly girls!
I had to get a photo of Tommy and Audrey saying goodbye. She was being so clingy. I actually I got 4 of 5 cute photos before I quit.
~We had to get a "Goodbye Shot" too!~
The next day was Monday and when I came home from work I walked in to a home that "smelled like this"! Tommy made Pizza. It was so sweet of him to have home made pizza for me, fresh out of the oven, as soon as I walked in the door!
Tuesday brought a lot of fun with the family that I work for. The kids and I had a water balloons fight. Question" when was the last time you filled up 50 water balloons and didn't get to toss one but got 49 thrown at you? LOL! It was a fun day!
When I left The H's house I went to Daycare to pick up Brooke and Audrey then headed over to New Albany for another birthday party. Our Bible Study got together to celebrate the birthdays from May/June/July. Everyone was kind enough to let me bring the girls along - so I could come - and the four of us had cake again! Yum. The photo is of Barbra playing Checkers after already teaching the girls how to play Chinese Checkers. They loved her and the fact that they had a cat and dog to visit with too!
This is hands down my favorite photo of the three of them - EVER! I love it. This was taken just after cake was served. Happy Birthday Tommy, Tammy and Justin!
~The girls meeting Paris~
YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS UP - So I stop by our old house today (with the kids I was sitting for on the way to the CMA) and see my mom drive by! I waved and she pulled over to get out. She just so happened to be dropping something off to an old neighbor and friend (Laura) and wanted to drive by the house too! We had to get a photo! What a wonderful memory to have.
I held a Scentsy Party for my friend Casey Cox. With my hostess credit I earned both of these zebra warmers and 6 Scent Packs for a major discount!!! The scent we have now is My Dear Watson. I ordered Echo, Enchanted Mist, Oats & Honey (for Fall), Autumn Sunset (for Winter - yea... I know what it's called), Mediterranean Spa and Luna. If you order from her, you'll love these! I can't wait to get my new warmers in!
On Friday the 29th Tommy, Mom, Dad and I went to Cleveland for an Indians Game. We stopped in at Sokolowski's restaurant (no working web site) and had dinner! The food was great as always. Wonderful Polish food! Daddy knows the family (owner) because he was an umpire at Cleveland Indians Fantasy Camp and has made an effort to support him and the family buy making frequent stops for dinner! If you are ever in town (or live there) you just aught to stop in and look for Daddy's baseball card on the wall after dinner!
I have been saying that I was in need for a new Indians shirt - I HAD TO! I don't give a rats butt about all that is going on with Charlie but I just could not say no to this! I am hoping to get a couple more baseball shirts before the summer is over!
I know that we are smiling in this photo but let's talk, for just a moment, how unhappy we were at the game! LOL! READ THIS! Indians, where were you?
After the game it was Rock 'N' Blast at the Jake (No it's not Progressive Field to me, it never will be) and the fireworks were awesome! I really enjoyed the show! If you have not seen Rock 'N' Blast before it is worth making it out to the ballpark - even if the turns out to be a bad one! The link has two videos of footage from the show.
Well, that's it for July. Can't wait to see what August brings - it's already been an exciting month so far and it's only the 8th!
The next day was Monday and when I came home from work I walked in to a home that "smelled like this"! Tommy made Pizza. It was so sweet of him to have home made pizza for me, fresh out of the oven, as soon as I walked in the door!
I held a Scentsy Party for my friend Casey Cox. With my hostess credit I earned both of these zebra warmers and 6 Scent Packs for a major discount!!! The scent we have now is My Dear Watson. I ordered Echo, Enchanted Mist, Oats & Honey (for Fall), Autumn Sunset (for Winter - yea... I know what it's called), Mediterranean Spa and Luna. If you order from her, you'll love these! I can't wait to get my new warmers in!

Well, that's it for July. Can't wait to see what August brings - it's already been an exciting month so far and it's only the 8th!
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