Wednesday, November 11, 2009

~Fun in November~

Emily is a past Bride of ours. She gave us a gift card to Roosters (in with her thank you card for photographing their wedding). We went one Saturday night when she was bar tending. It was great to see her.

I did not get to see Doreen too much this past summer b/c of our wedding schedule. I went to Muffins and Makeovers with the girls and we took this cute picture together.

Tommy took out the Girls! Sharon and I went dancing with him at Martini Park and out for drinks and apps at Fados afterwards. Good Times!

Out for date night in my new top! ;)

Tommy and I have wanted to paint the kitchen for quite some time. Finally when I was out of town for the Bible Study Retreat he surprised me with it! I love the color. So Bold, So Us!

Apple Picking is something that we got “rained out of going” 5 Friday’s in a row. After Lynds Farm Closed for the season Tommy and I stopped by and picked 2 apples for ourselves. It was so worth it! Shame, Shame!

Fall movies are becoming a tradition for Tommy and myself. We pulled out all the Fall themed movies last year and watched them with the back door open, hot chocolate and tons of blankets. Well, we did it again this year. We usually watch the Harry Potter Series in November too. I have already put these away and pulled out the Winter / Christmas movies. We watched Elf and Edward Scissorhands while decorating the tree and house.

The gals in our Bible Study had a Retreat in November. We stayed on a 16 acre ranch with horses. So relaxing.

OCC Boxes are wrapped and ready to be shipped out!
We painted the front stairs and the hallway too. Half is gray and half is a royal shade of blue!

We had a little too much fun picking out colors for the house. Home depot is our second home.

Go Blue!

Brittany and Nate came into town to visit.We went out to eat Friday eve, for Sushi.

Saturday we got ready for the football party! We lost! :(

Saturday night Clarissa stayed and we went out dancing with the guys!

This was taking after the photo shoot we did that was 70's themed! Brit and I modeled, Nate helped out and Tommy and Clarissa shot. We had a blast downtown. Perfect send off.

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