Friday, December 18, 2009

~Our Christmas Letter~

(My "25th" Birthday Night)

Dear Friends,

2009 felt like a big year for us. I thought it would be kind of fun to share some of the highlights of our year. Maybe pick our top 12 “Days of Christmas”, I mean “Memories of the Year”. What better way to share 12 memories than by month? Off we go…

In January Tommy and I went (for the first time) to a place called The Dog Joint. Jill and her family introduced us to it. You can get a hot dog with about anything on it and their combinations are crazy cool. They also have about 30 flavors of milkshakes! It’s right across the street from our Library and we make frequent stops there.

February we had a double date with my parents. Tommy got a cook book (from me for Christmas) called Build a Better Burger. Tommy and Daddy prepped in the kitchen and mom and I sat in the living room and talked. Ten minutes after the guys were done grilling the burgers were loaded with toppings and gone! I have never seen four people eat so fast.

In March we had four or five dinner parties. It was fun to cook for friends and family. We made sushi, Burgers and Tommy even grilled lobster one night. I can say one thing for sure, our guests left happy!

For one of our date nights in April we made grandmas home made noodles and kielbasa together. Tommy’s mom’s mother, Josephine, cooks like no other. For Christmas 2008 she gave all the grandkids some of her recipes. Oh My Goodness, were we happy campers when we got to try the noodles that we spent hours making. The kielbasa recipe is out of one of Uncle Brian’s books Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking and Curing that grandma and Uncle Brian perfected together. We have made the kielbasa again at least three times since April.

We took our “Summer Vacation” in May. Our friends own a cabin in Hide-A-Way Hills. They offered for us to use it over a weekend. We obviously took them up on it. Tommy got to play some golf. I took some magazines (Rachel Ray’s of course) and we sat on the patio for hours. We also packed a couple of movies and the New Harry Potter book (at the time) and read it together. We spent one dinner night at the Club House and asked them to make Tommy’s Favorite Pizza (a.k.a. all the toppings that T likes on a pizza). It was made to perfection. What a weekend.

Our favorite memory for June was going to Easton for movie with our friends, Brian and Alisha, for Alisha’s 21st Birthday. We watched a movie up on the big screen (outside, like a drive in) at Brio, ordered some food and dessert and hung out. Brio had a $2.95 menu from 3-6, Monday – Friday’s. The menu is full of appetizers of generous proportions. We ate our way through the night and talked for hours. Alisha is on our New Age Foto team and she and Brian just got married this past year.

July we had a couple of my friends over with their husbands and kids. We had a pool party. Yep, you heard it right. We grilled hotdogs, blew up floaties and hung out by the pool. It was such a great time had by all.

August is my favorite month so I’m going to cheat and share a few of my favorite things. We celebrated my 25th Birthday Party with friends at Brother’s Bar, went to the Ohio State fair with our friend Clarissa, went to Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl (in Zanesville) with some friends, walked for “Donate Life” for my friend and her baby boy, had a Scavenger Photo Hunt (with Jill and the girls), saw Grease outside of Brio with Mom and Dad (for their Anniversary), took a day trip (to Cleveland) with my daddy to see the Indians play, went to my friends art show and saw Uncle David and Fireworks, of course. Then, my mom took me and Jill to Waynesville to go Antiquing. Can you believe we did all that and we shot a wedding every weekend?

September we had our two year anniversary and went to a sushi joint called Edamame We ordered some sushi and a bottle of wine and talked. Edamame has become our new favorite sushi joint. What is so great is that it’s located at Easton, just eight minutes from our house. This also, can mean trouble!

October we went to Cincinnati to visit one of our flower girls and her family. Emma - 5th grade, Elle - 2nd grade (flower girl), Avery - Kindergarten and Aiden is 18 months. Over the weekend we helped with crafts in Elle's class, went to Emma's 5th Grade Halloween Dance Party, walked the kids during their school Halloween Parade, went out to dinner (just us adults) to a restaurant that we had not been to before and took the kids to pick out pumpkins and helped them carve them at home. For Trick - or - Treat we set up a Photo booth in their driveway and took pix of all the kids. Tommy and I dressed up as Cleo & M. Anthony. We hung out on Sunday and played with the kids, then went out for Sushi. It is for sure that we made tons of memories that weekend.

November we visited with our families. We had the most relaxing time over Thanksgiving. We visited with my dad’s side of the family and Tommy’s mom’s side. We got to visit with both of Tommy’s grandmas and we let our nephews open their Christmas gifts while we were there, since we won’t see them on Christmas day.

December has been crazy so far. I would have to say that putting up the tree with Christmas music and candles lit was so much fun. We got a real tree (for the first time ever, for me) last year, and this year it was time to get out the fake one again.

All in all, it was an amazing year. Tommy and I were so blessed to get to work together, spend time with one another and make memories (that I am sure will be scrapped) for the year of 2009. We hope you and your loved ones had a good year too and you can look back at your memories you made over the months. We also hope you have the most memorable holiday season ever.

We love you all,
Meredith and Tommy Feisel
Oh, and Jackson too!

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