Monday, December 28, 2009

~Bobby & Stella~

Bobby is Tommy's only brother. He is older and lives out in Cali. He and his girlfriend Stella took two weeks off from work and had been traveling around NJ, PA, MI and Ohio to visit family and friends over their winter break. The 29th - 31st they were here with us. It was our 1st time meeting Stella and we had not seen Bobby since last Christmas. They came in on Tuesday afternoon. We showed them the house and had some wine.

Afterwords we took a drive downtown just to show them around and ended up at Due Amici to eat. The food was amazing, as usual. We all split four appetizers and had an amazing bottle of red. The apps we picked...

***artisan cheeses, chef’s selection of local cheeses
***spinach artichoke dip, served with crispy house bread
***stuffed peppers, veal & parmesan stuffed banana peppers, oven roasted tomato sauce
***pepper crusted ahi tuna, mushroom & pepper salad finished with port wine reduction

After dinner we went home and exchanged Christmas gifts. Wednesday morning Tommy made a Big German with sauteed apples on top for breakfast. We all got packed up and hit the road for Medina, Ohio. Bert (Tommy & Bobby's cousin) has a new bead shop. We stopped by and checked it out. It's amazing. We don't have any bead shop like that in Columbus, that I know of. They have everything! Plus, they have classes and mini kitchen upstairs. Later we went to Norwalk to Aunt Sandi and Uncle Dan's house, the house we got married at, and had dinner. Dan made Pizza's in his wood burning oven outside and we sipped on wine and watched Harry Potter Six.

~Us at Due Amici~

~Bobby & Stella at bkst. So cute together!~

~The Bead Shop (maybe a fouth of it)~

~Stella picking out some cool beads, she made me earings for xmas!~

~T, me, Bert, Stella & Bobby outside the shop~

We had such a great time with Bobby and Stella. We got to talk to Bobby about work, Cali and everything in between. Stella is so sweet and such a thoughtful young lady. We enjoyed talking to her and she is such a great story teller. Oh my gosh, we laughed a lot in the car on the way to dinner Tues night. She and I also found out that we have a few big things in common.

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