Monday, December 28, 2009

~Songs of good cheer, Christmas is here~

Tommy and I had such a wonderful Christmas with my parents. We went over around 1 pm on Christmas day. We had Christmas dinner with my parents and a couple of other family friends. The meal was amazing. We had a beautifully herb rubbed roast, mashed potatoes and asparagus. For desert we each had a little crème brule and chocolates. Tommy, Jim, Dad and I played some pool and the other ladies talked upstairs. That night we stayed at my old house and woke up on "our Christmas morning" the 26th.

We opened stockings and then made Cinnamon rolls as we did every year growing up. Then we opened gifts and played at least three games of poker. It was fun to have a quiet Christmas with my parents. We also made the dough for a gingerbread house and Tommy and daddy cooked Kong Pow Chicken for dinner. It was amazing!!! Later in the evening Tommy and daddy played more pool and mommy and I watched Julie & Julia on the couch with the fire place going. We laughed at (and with) Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. If you have not seen the movie yet, go out and get it. Here are just some of the pix from Xmas day.
Jill, Thank you again for getting my dad the framed baseball picture. He was so excited about it. It was just what he had been looking for, you made his day.

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