Monday, December 28, 2009

~...And to all a Good Night~

Tommy and I truly had a wonderful Christmas together this year. We have not celebrated yet with Tommy's brother, sister or parents but we will soon enough. It will feel like Christmas just keeps on coming. T and I had our Christmas on Christmas Eve. So the 24th of December we woke up, turned on the fireplace and opened stockings. Tommy got two stockings this year. One had a couple little gifts in it and the other had coal. Oh dear! After stocking Tommy made omelets for breakfast. Then we opened our gifts. Tommy got the movie Transformers from Santa so we watched it and played his new board game called Criss Cross Poker. You play 10 hands of Poker at the same time. Really fun. I got one for my sister in law too (don't worry she already knows she got it). After board games we took a nap. Ahhhh. A nap. After this past season I almost forgot what a nap was. lol. For lunch Tommy made his own cocktail sauce and we had shrimp. We had 3/4 lb's of and there were only 6 pieces. They were big suckers! lol. Also we had crackers and Bree. It was the perfect lunch. We were lazy the rest of the day. I put my new ornaments on our tree and we made hot chocolate (big surprise) and talked.

I got a Hippo for Christmas... just what I wanted! This was my Xmas-eve gift!

Tommy's Xmas-eve gift was the Hot Drinks for Cold Nights Book
Jackson was tired for all the gift opening!
Really... this is what Tommy got, the he placed it on my hook!
Sadly, I still have not seen the movie.
Tommy was so excited to get a G by Guess shirt.
What's in here? Turns out they were Hot Coco Mugs from Santa!
Jackson got his mama a card...
Our stocking gifts!
Just cause they were the same size, we had to take a picture!
When I opened this bag it sang, "Santa Baby!"
Playing our new game! You can see the card Jackson got me. It has his face on it and Tommy scratched out Wife and wrote Mommy! It was so cute.
Puppy, really was tired by the end of the night. lol.

It was a lovely Christmas.

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