Thursday, October 1, 2009


Jackson wants everyone to know that he has a life to ya know! He had been a very busy dog! He wanted us to post what he has been up to the last few months. I told him to chill out, he has his own album on facebook, but whatever! lol. He said I can explain some of the pictures but most of them are "quoted" by Jackson himself!

~ "This is my daddy's fav pic of me ever!"~

~"Back away from My Daddy's Shoes!"~

~This can not be comfy!~

~Sleepy Boy!~

~"Daddy, will you make me an Espresso?"~

~This was too Funny! J just scooted his way under the island!~

~"My Paw looks so Big Here!"~

~"I love sleeping here!"~

~"Daddy had to throw this toy away b/c I ripped it apart! Oops!"~

~"Mommy I am so tried from chasing the cat in my dream!"~

~"What are you lookin' at?"~

~He was outside my office like this a good 10 mins, w/his paw up!~

~He is not supposed to be in my office but you never wake a sleeping baby~
~"I would like to make a formal apology! I am a Bad Dog!"~

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