Friday, June 24, 2011

~Daddy's Big Day~

We celebrated Father's Day and Daddy's Birthday together again this year, like we always do! On Sunday Tommy wanted to cook for Daddy; poor Daddy right?! :) Tommy made a Burger out of the Build a Better Burger Cookbook! We always work out of that one! And by "We" I mean Tommy! LOL!
Tommy also brought over our new deep fryer that Marvin and Jill gave us! It is a lot bigger than the one that we had. It was the perfect size for the two of us but not for entertaining! T made sweet potato fries and regular fries too! They were all amazing and a perfect side to "The Best Burger Ever", according to my mom!
~This photo does not do it justice!~
Mom gave Dad his card, he started to read it out loud then added some text himself! LOL. Mom laughed cause she was thinking, for a second, wait! That's not what I bought! They are so cute together!
Daddy loved his gifts. I got him some Pampered Chef stuff, Baseball Scrapbook goodies and Mom and I got him a special pillow. As you can tell, he was quite happy!
~We are so silly!~
~Tommy being Tommy!~
The special pillow I mentioned earlier was made by a life long friend of mine Paige Stewart! Daddy saw that it had the initials P.S. on the back and before he flipped it over (unwrapping it) I asked if he knew why it said P.S.? He smiled so big! He said, "No Way! Paige?". He loves it!
I love this photo of the three of us! Mom also got Daddy a Deep fryer! What a Happy Father's Day/Birthday he had! We will never forget it!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! You guys had so much fun!! Awesome!!! I love your family!!


