Friday, July 8, 2011

~Mom & Dad's Triplets~

My Dad and I were out working in the garden and he asked me if I had seen the nest yet? I had not, we looked and at the time had a Mommy-Bird was sitting on the nest. Mommy-Bird picked my parents property, in the back yard, underneath the patio. The next day we looked through the boards of the deck and saw bright colored eggs! We went below the patio, stuck my camera up and tried to get a snap shot!
The very next day when I went over my mom asked if I would like to check the eggs before I went home! Sure enough, three baby birds! I am officially the oldest of four! Mom & Dad are now the parents of Triplets!
A few days later when I checked on the growing babies I said to my Mom, "They are getting big!". In reaction to that... one of the little babies squeaked feed me with her mouth wide open. I ran, got my camera, started talking again and sure enough...
Two days after that I went back to my rents house to "check on them" and get some herbs and peppers from the garden! They sure are funny looking lil guys in this pic. I love the detail in the wings in the bottom left corner.
~Cuddle Up!~
Three days later (the last day of June) I got a photo of one talkin' in her sleep! I can not believe how big their beaks had gotten and how crammed they were in the nest!
July the 2nd we found sleeping babies with fluffy wins, loads of new colors in their coats and, you guested it, even bigger than the day before!
~Still Growing~
I love in this photo how the birdie in the bottom right corner of the frame is staring me down like, if you take one more photo of me...
This was a sad day for me... The babies leave their nest. I went outside to check on them on July 4th and one of them was out of their next. I thought, I will go below the patio and get a photo. I thought it would make for a cool one with two in the nest and one on the ledge. OH NO, did I make a mistake! As I went downstairs to take the photo the birdie the one out of the nest took off, landed next to the garden and then Mommy-Bird was after Meredith! I have never been scared of a bird before but I was at that moment! She literally came after me and next thing I know there are 5 of the same kind of birds around me and they are talkin'!!! Needless to say I went inside and prayed that the little birdie would come home and that Mommy-Bird would forgive me! -Here she is chirpin' way!

What a way to end a story! I wish the last "note" didn't happen. If anything I learned my lesson... When one is out of the nest (where he, apparently, shouldn't be) don't scare them away or it will be your death to pay! They are all good now and soon will be leaving the nest for good. Mom and Dad did a great job raising them! LOL! Mabye they'll come back for a visit this Holiday season!

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