Sunday, July 17, 2011

~Fire H2O, Wedding & Our Nephews~

I was excited to invite Bethany to Fire Water with Tommy, Me and my Rents! Tommy was already down town shooting an engagement session, my rents set up chairs and saved seats for us and Bethany and I met up after getting some Subway!
~Mom, Dad and Me~
Bethany and I sat back, relaxed and enjoyed the Shadowbox House Band (Billwho) by the water behind COSI. We had so much fun talking about babysitting and Mary Kay since we both do both!
After the show we went across the water (on a new bridge) to the new park called Bicentennial Park. It was opening weekend for the park! Below is a sketch of what the park looks like all finished including a 70 ft tall fountain and an amphitheater.

Tommy, Bethany and I were sad to find out that the new restaurant/bar in the park was closed. We got over there around 11 and they close at 10pm. Probably not a smart choice for Opening Weekend. There were tons of people trying to get in. T took our photo before we left and we could not get a clear shot from all the mist from the fountains but it looks kind of cool.

After taking the pic we walked back to COSI's parking lot, hopped in the car and went to Bario for a drink. We ran in to the GM Chris while we were there. We have gotten to know him well and he was sweet enough to get us food even though the kitchen was closed!
That Saturday we had a Columbus Wedding downtown. I just realized that I added this (couples) photo to the last blog instead of Michaela and Ty! Oops. This was really from the last wedding we shot. Holly and Brian are so cute together. We had a wonderful time together but it did feel a little weird to be right back at COSI where we were the night before!
After the wedding Tommy and I stopped at The Big Bang to say hi to Sammy. He was celebrating his 27th Birthday! We could not stay after shooting a wedding and needing to go out of town in the morning but we were glad to stop by. You gotta check out the link above. I went to The Big Bang for a Bachelorette Party a couple years ago and it is quite a cool place. Someday, Tommy and I will get there!
The 10th of July (Sunday) we went to Norwalk for Aunt Sandy's 60th Birthday Party. We had a great ride there getting to visit about our weeks and getting excited to see the boys! :)

I really enjoyed seeing everyone especially our three little nephews. Surprise, Surprise! :) Joshua is getting so tall and Justin was getting so big. He's learning to walk (holding on to my hands) and can stand by himself! I love this photo of two of my boys! Look at those big blue eyes!

Christine was feeling creative and coordinated her four boys for a family photo in Red, White and Blue! :) They all looked so cute! I am glad that Tommy and I were able to capture this!
~Love This~
~Joshua helping Justin learn to walk~
~Tommy was being silly with Justin~
I took care of the candles for Sandy's Birthday Party. Look how glittery my hands got! I also learned that weekend that some of the Polcyns are Glitter-phobic. LOL
~After cake some people went on a sugar high - and back down again! Love this photo!~
All of Aunt Sandy and Tommy's Mom's siblings were all able to make it in for the party. Tommy was sweet enough to get a family photo of everyone with Grandma too.

John Paul almost fell asleep at the dinner table outside while we eating. It was so funny. Danny took him in to lay down on the couch. Three mins later Tommy carried in Joshua, all 50lbs of him! LOL. By 6:30pm all three of our nephews were out! How cute are they?


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