Saturday, July 16, 2011

~The 4th of July and More~

The first day of July was a hit with me! Tommy and I had been so busy and he thought it would be cute to ask me out on a date. I said, “Yes!”. We had not had a date night for weeks! :) When we were in Puerto Rico, the last night there, we went "Appetizer (Bar) Hopping" and hit up a few places, got one app and a drink then moved on to the next. That Friday in stead of going to Red, White and Boom we went to Easton and had some fun!
~My Baby!~
~We started out at Bon Vie with an amazing burrito with a Brie & Bacon Quesadillas with Applewood bacon, Brie, and caramelized onions. Topped with apple wedges, candied pecans, field greens and a honey mustard drizzle! Yummy!~
~We sat out on the patio and the weather was amaizng~
Then we went to Smith and Wollensky's for Scallops and Drinks. I had a frozen watermelon drink that Tommy surprised me with... so good! I tasted kinda like a Watermelon Jolly Rancher!
After that Tommy and I were off to buy movie tickets. We thought we would see the 10:30 show of Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon and when we went to pay the lady behind the counter said, "$31 please!". What? Turns out it was for the 3D IMAX movie. I think not. We waited til the 11:15 regular show. We killed time at the bar next to Cup O Joe upstairs. While we were there we ran into Kelly Landusky. She was getting off work at The Ocean Club. What a night so far!
After 35 minutes of previews we sat through a 2 hour and 40 minute movie. Oh my goodness. Not a good idea. We were so tired and the movie wasn't even that good. I loved the first two movies but this one wasn't very funny, there was 2 hrs and 30 mins of action with about 10 mins of plot and I'm sorry but I missed Megan Fox!
On the morning of July 2nd my Aunts and Uncles came into town for a 4th of July visit! Uncle Bill had a lot of work to do, for a case, so he was no able to come. We went over to my parents house around noon (when they arrived) and had lunch with everyone. Aunt Sue and I talked a lot about our garden. I showed it to her and when she asked about the jalapenos. I told her about my Raspberry Jalapeno Jam. I emailed her the recipe that night! :)
July 3rd we were off to Cleveland to photograph a wedding. We loved the couple and working with their bridal party! Everyone in the family was so kind. This is defiantly one of my favorite photos from the weekend. Brian and Holly were also off to Maui for their Honeymoon so we spent a lot of the time talking about where they should go and what to do! :)

The 4th of July we woke up in Cleveland and left town in time to make it for Brunch at my parents house with the family. We stayed at Embassy Suites in Independence, our “Go-to Hotel” in Cleveland.
Daddy (and our family) has stayed there for years! Their complementary hot breakfasts made to order are so good. See the people eatin'?
Something interesting happened after breakfast! I was on the way up to the room to get our luggage and a family of five got off the elevator. Mom, Dad and three girls! All but the youngest got off and started to walk toward check out and the littlest one was walking back on the elevator. I grabbed her arm. The little girl had about 25 quartered sized smiley faced stickers on it. She was about 14 months, had pink overalls on and bight colored shoes. I grabbed her arm! The sister started running back towards us and the Mom was too far away and having a hard time getting thru the crowd by the elevator. I said, “Get Sissy!” After her sister had her hand again I said sorry to the mom for grabbing her arm... but all I could see was her squeezing back on the full elevator. The Mom yelled, “No No Thank you!”. Made me happy that she wasn't mad that a stranger grabbed her daughter! LOL!

When I was little my parents and I used to play the License Plate game! Take a list of the 50 and see how many we could find in one trip. When I went off to school we started printing the 50 to mark off and kept it in the truck for the year; see how many we could get. On the way home to Columbus we found over 20 states and 3 from Canada! We also found two vanity plates worth taking photos of. This one's car also had an NAPP sticker on the side window as well.

NAPP stands for National Association of Photoshop Professionals. We are members also. We wondered if they were on their way home from Photographing a wedding too! We “drove with them” for a while! Waved when we said by. Tommy and I both wondered if they saw and/or “got” our license plate: NU H FOTO! If anyone would we would guess that it would be them!

This was the other plate! I only think it was worth taking photo because we don't get it! I see that it says PAYDIRT but waaa? I thought it would make sense if his name was Dirk and it said, “Pay Dirk”! Like make your checks out to me but Dirt is most likely not a game!

Monday My mom, Aunt Sue, Aunt LuAnn and I went shopping. I saw these these at Anthropology when I was with my Mom and Aunts and fell in love. They are just like a pad of paper that you rip off and use each night (or special night) until they are gone.
I was so excited to get in to the sawnky abode. Mom told me about it but it had been so long since I had been shopping at Easton that I had not idea what she was talking about. :( We got there and they were closed. :( again!
While the four of us ladies were shopping Aunt LuAnn took a hard fall. We ended up at Mt. Carmel where they took very good care of her. The guys met up to be with us. She will be fine but hurt her arm! We are thankful that's all.
Tommy taught Aunt LuAnn how to make "The Gimmpy Face" that he came up with when he got his stitches last year, for the second time. It was so cute to see her make the face - she was right on the money!

Tuesday we went to my rents house for breakfast. The Aunt's and Uncles were still in town. Aunt Sue and I talked about my Raspberry Jalapeno Jam (the day before) so I brought over a Jar to share with everyone. They left around noon but I was off to babysit from 11:00am - 4:40pm for Jack, Audrey and Ryan. When I left their house I was off to Brooke and Audrey's to babysit them. Audrey was not happy with me nor was she on your best behavior. LOL! Long story short A-Dub feed her entire dinner to her dog Sammy; tisk tisk! After dinner (including a second meal made for Audrey to eat) the girls took a bath and they let me french braid their hair while we watched part of Peter Pan!

Once Audrey was in the bath she was sweet as ever. After I did her hair she went over and sat next to Sammy on the couch and told him sorry for giving him people food. She also told he she hopes he doesn't get sick from all the macaroni and chicken nuggets.

On Wednesday evening Tommy and I were invited over for dinner with some other wedding photographers that live in the Columbus area. We had home made pizza, three different appetizers and a bonfire out in the drive afterwords. Tommy fell in love their two dogs. They have a Boxer/Beagle Mix and a little Pug. I think someone is happy to be first in line to dog sit for them!

Thursday morning, the 7th, my Mom came over and we made a NEW Meatloaf recipe! It was from our How to Cook Everything Book that Uncle Brian and Aunt Julie gifted us. The meatloaf called for a piece of bacon on top! Sold! Just the kind of thing Tommy would love. They turned out absolutely fantastic! Thank you Mom for joining me! :)

This past week was so busy that if I add it in there as well this blog will be way too long! More to come soon!

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