Monday, June 6, 2011

~♪ Summer Lovin'... ♫ (June)~

We had a lot adventures in June! We tried some new recipes, had a Bible Study Get together/Dinner, went to the last show at Shadowbox, had the most jam packed work weekend ever, got to visit friends, had a Sunday Brunch out, went to the Zoo and more. So basically between this and work and were bored in June. Bored!

I LOVE MY HUBBY! He was so sweet to recreate this birthday dish from three days before. Oh my goodness! Tommy also used some Red Pepper Coulis (left over from a salmon dish) on some egg noodles as well! I LOVE MY HUBBY!
Our Bible Study Group did not get together much in May because of everyone's schedules. Tommy and I were only free one of the five Mondays anyway. We all decided to have a cook out at Tammy and Matt's for some summer fun. Sebastian brought a African Cucumber. We did not like it! LOL! No one did but boy is it a funky lookin' thing!
Naomi and David moved out of a state for a mission strip for the summer. We did get a photo of all the other chicas before we left. L to R: Tammy, Melissa, Me, Barbra and Samantha. We met up after church and grilled chicken, veggies shiskabobs, chips and dip and lots of fruit! What a summer treat!
Tommy, Daddy, Lauren and I all went to Shadowbox for their last show at Easton before they move to their NEW location downtown. We really enjoyed ourselves. It was the "Best Of" Show! This pic is with Andy who I went to High School with. The three of us are so silly.
~Tommy and Daddy at the Show~
~Lauren and Me~
After the show Daddy went home and Tommy, me and Lauren met up with John (her fiance) to go to Adobe Gilas and watch the Cavs/Dallas game during the finals. We got some drinks and wings and spent at least 2 hours there watching the game and listening to the DJ's music. We had a great time together talking about the plans that they have made for their wedding and rooting for Dallas!
Friday June 10th Tommy and I photographed Jen Cameron's wedding. I went to The Dive with Jen and "bunked" with her a couple of times on Church trips in school with my good friend Laura Crouse! Tommy and I got to see at least 15 people at the wedding that we knew and had a great time photographing. It was just the start to a very busy weekend!
~Maria, Angie and Me at Jen's Wedding~
Nichole, Molly and Me - I roomed with Molly and Laura Crouse and Nickole was always at the apartment with us. It had been a while since we had seen them.
Angie and Dave got married last year and Tommy and D go way back! They worked together at Cedar Point from 2000-2003. Always happy to see him!
We went out to a bar with Laura Crouse in Akron after the wedding in Hudson. It was well after midnight when we left but it had been too long since we got to hang out! Laura lives in Chicago now and drove in that day for a visit! IT WAS SO GREAT TO SEE AND HANG OUT WITH HER! We got to share about all we had been up to and reminisce some stories of the past!
We got home from Akron, Ohio around 2:15 in the morning. That same day (at o'clock) we started shooting our second wedding of the weekend in Marion, Ohio. This was our 7th referal wedding from Emily and Joe from Marion! They were at the wedding and I had to get a pic with Emily. They live in Marion and wished that they lived in Columbus; closer!
On the way out we grabbed some cake and headed home. We had to get a pic of course. I think that about 20 miles toward home we realized how tired we were. We got home, after pulling over to nap in the truck twice, at 10pm.
Then next morning we had to be downtown at 7am for an Engagement Session. I was also hired to do the makeup for the photo shoot. We started out at the Topiary Garden by the Main Branch Library Downtown. There theme was a requested picnic theme. You can see the rest here!

Tommy and I said that we would definatly go home after the shoot at nap but once we were downtown we just couldn't leave! That's us for ya! We took a walk though Franklin Park and discovered more than we ever knew was there! It was nice to just be on walk together on a beautiful Sunday. We had another Engagement Session that evening and knew that we needed to get back home at least to eat and of course Tommy said, "Yeah, we'll get home in time to refresh but....".
Lets go to Due Amici first and get Sunday Brunch. "OOOOOOOOOOOk!", I said! Once we sat down we started talking to the people sitting by us! There were two other couples out on the patio and "Mr. Man" behind Tommy. Boy was that brunch entertaining!
I had eggs Benedict, my favorite! I liked their home fires as well.

~I Love what God created for us! I love our Earth!~
On the 26th Daddy and I went to the 2011 Parade of Homes! It's becoming a Father/Daughter Tradition. We had such a wonderful time. Daddy ran into 4 people he knew, surprise surprise and the weather held up fairly well. We took so many pictures for "taking notes" for ideas!
On Sunday the 26th we went to the Zoo. It was so great to see the Elephants. Normally I am all about the Otters and New Polar Bears but my goodness the Elephants were so entertaining that day!
The Polar Bears kept cracking us up. We were there for 15 minutes and the ENTIRE TIME that we were there the Bear was itchin' his butt! It was so funny. He would turn around scratch his ear then turn around again and get at his butt! We finally left because that's all they were doing! LOL!
The Mama and Dad Elephant were so interactive with the Baby! They were splashing their trunks in the water, spraying each other, rubbing against one another and smiling as you can see! It was a great day at the zoo!
Also in the month of June Tommy decided to conquer making Pretzel Buns for Burgers! Have I said recently that I LOVE MY HUBBY?!
~The Finished Product~

The 28th my parents met be downtown and we went to Due Amici for a pizza before hitting up a Clippers Game! It was quite an event! Check out the videos below. I ran out of space on my memory card in the middle of filming but I went back, deleted a few things and filmed a little more! Of course I missed the most "exciting part" but still! The Clippers also won 5-4 too! Good Game!

June was a busy month with a lot of fun events! Can't wait to see what we cram into July!

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