Tuesday, May 31, 2011

~Tommy's 29th Birthday~

After midnight on the 27th I let Tommy open his birthday card and presents. He just couldn't wait any longer knowing that I bought them months ahead of time. I thought it would be fun to wrap them in "free" post office boxes, why not?
Tommy can hook up his laptop to the TV and we can watch Blu-Ray movies! We already had these four on DVD but I re-bought them for him. He was dying to have The Dark Knight on BR!
The morning of his birthday Lauren and I went out to breakfast (to celebrate her birthday, the 16th) while Tommy and John (Lauren's fiance) went Golfing! The girls went to North Star Cafe for a Beacon and Cheese Croissant and Poached Eggs with Prosciutto and Salad! NSC just opened a location at Easton and every time that we are shopping, or walking around, it is packed!

After the guys got home from golfing 18 holes they worked really hard in the Kitchen making burgers and sweet potato fried and dessert! They, of course, had to take an "Uncle Brian Chef Photo"! Yeah, they both got a little sun too!
~Tommy, John and Sammy worked so hard cooking today~
The girls worked really hard too! Lauren and I met up with Bethany and Emily at our condo's pool! We worked on our tans while the guys made us food; just the way it ought to be! :)
~We look a little red!~
It makes me so happy to see this many burgers, all ready to go, in our kitchen. We love entertaining and it had been too long! Right now we don't even have the dinning room table in the dinning room! That and the living room are all set up for studio shooting at any time!
Sammy was sweet enough to bring me and the girls Mike's Lemonade! Everything was so delicious! I want all of it together again just looking at the photo! I am so glad that this is what Tommy wanted to do for his birthday! Good choice Babe!
~John, Emily, Joey and Tommy~
~Lauren, Me, Bethany and Sammy~
~Guess what the guys made for dessert? Creme Brulee Baby, yum!~
The next day (Sunday) Tommy and I went to my parents house to Celebrate his Birthday again! Tommy had another recipe that he wanted to cook out of a book I got him last year called Wood-Fired Cooking: Techniques and Recipes for the Grill, Backyard Oven, Fireplace, and Campfire! ~The amazing Birthday Boy made a dish that we will never forget!~
~Grill it Baby!~
~We all sat on the patio and talked~
~The final dish~
~Mom made him a sweet lil treat! TOM'S ICE CREAM BOWL'S CASHEWS! and raspberry brownies with his favorite candy and raspberries of course! We each got some of this, topped on our ice cream of choice! Yes please!~
~What is it?~
~A book that Tommy wanted!~
Later we watched Daddy on the DVR. The Cleveland Indians Fantasy Camp Recap was on TV and Daddy recorded it! It was so fun to find him throughout the show!
After that we watched Harry Potter 6 and 7.1 to get ready to see 7.2 that comes out in theatres in July! We can not wait to see the final movie. I am sure that we will watched 7.1 again before we go the theatre to review once more!
Monday was a holiday and so Tuesday we finally got to get this!!!!!! When the girls were all laying out at the pool on Satudrday Bethany jumped up and said, "We should go get Tommy a cake". I said, "Ice Cream Cake!". Then Lauren said, "Ice Cream PIE from Greaters!". We were off! Tommy never noticed we were gone from the pool. We put the pie in the freezer (in the club house) and when the guys were done cooking and it was time to come home we went to get it and the club house was locked and the freakin' office lady left for the day! At least when we went into the club house on Tuesday it was still in the freezer!!!

~Well here it is, yummy goodness! Just sad that the 8 of us couldn't split it that night!~
Bob and Vicki spoiled Tommy with some amazing wines this year. They were sweet enough to send them from an online "wine delivery" service! They came beautify packaged and with a bottle opener as well! Cool huh? Tommy was one happy guy!

Over all I must say that I think Tommy had a great Birthday Weekend! Mine falls on a Sunday this year. I can't decide what to do! Something fun, that's for sure! :)

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