Tuesday, May 31, 2011

~May Flowers & Fun~

I am behind in my blogging a little because I did such detailed Puerto Rico Blogs. This blog is filled with "Other Events" from May; minus Tommy's Bday of course! That one will get one all on it's own. :)

I had the opportunity to babysit little Audrey last month. She was sick and Marvin and Jill both needed to go into work. Jill called me in the morning and asked if she could drop her off in an hour. I was delited to have her but, of course, wish she felt better! We set her up in the living room with 101 Dalmatians and some blankets!
~An Hour later...~
Tommy helped me move A-dub back onto the couch. She never even knew that we moved her, she was out! I was so glad that she got some rest. She looked adorable with my rose blanket! I have had it since I was two!

On Sat the 7th I was able to attend Leah's Baby Shower! She is due this summer and having a GIRL! Yea! It was a spring themed shower! Everyone got to take come a lil flower and the prizes for the games were herbs! I loved it!
After I got to Leah's shower I heard a familiar voice, Megan! I had not seen her since High School! She and I were the class of '03 and Leah was '02! It was great to sit next to her and talk for a while.

When I got home I couldn't believe what Tommy had gotten into! He found an article about what the burger of the future will be? You must watch the video posted on this articles page! He went to the grocery store, came home and got to work! He created his own version of the meal and I pleased to say that we have recipe to archive! He even used my homemade hollandaise sauce!

~The Final Product - Best Burger Ever~
Mother's Day this year was fantastic! Daddy was sweet enough to make Mom Brunch and invite us to come along! Oh My Gosh the food was amazing! I got to help Daddy toward the end of the meal and it was great to be in the kitchen with him again!

~Mom and Me~
He made a Huge Pancake-type ordeal with blueberries and powdered sugar then beacon and tomatoes topped with caramelized onion, green bell pepper, garlic and more!
Before we left for Puerto Rico I went to visit Brooke and Audrey at School/Day Care. Brooke was playing outside on the playground. She showed me the monkey bars and introduced me to a couple of her friends. I told her we are going to the beach and will see her when we get back. Audrey was sleeping but I wrote her a note and put it in her cubby!
I was so happy when Tommy looked at Ben Randell's facebook page and decided to recreate what he had made his family, for dinner, the night before. Hello AMAZING red pepper sauce!
So my Dad bought some hot sauce when he was in AZ and did not read the bottle before dousing his shrimp in the sauce. When he told us this story, including that you are only supposed to use a drop, Tommy knew he had to try it! Do you see the drop on the plate? Tommy had already dipped his finger in this to try it and...
...this was the result!
When we were in Puerto Rico I found this Cars2 Cup! I knew that I had to get it for Audrey! When I got home and babysat I took it to her! She loved it! It's a hologram!
Jill treated herself to something real nice! LOL! A new Jeep! I just had to get a photo of the girls "playing" in it before Marvin left in it to baseball. I love Audrey's smile in this one!

~See you next time~


  1. Little Miss Brookie said you didn't get her anything from Puerto Rico, only Audrey got a cup. lol. I laughed sooo hard.

  2. LOL! I felt bad b/c when I gave Adurey the cup I said it was for them to share but kind of her to let Audrey open it! Brooke said, "Well, you should have gotten something for me to open!". I almost cried!
