Tuesday, May 24, 2011

~Puerto Rico - Lazy/Rainy Day~

In the morning we had breakfast at the condo, watched a movie, blogged and worked on images from the wedding. Around 2pm we headed out for a lazy day. It was raining all morning and to rain all afternoon and evening. We went to Plaza Las Americas (the largest mall in the Caribbean) and a movie. There were over 200 upscale stores, over 98 specialty stores and not enough time in the week! LOL!

~Before we left/Tommy had to get a pic!~

When we got there we ate at the sandwich place that Nef recommended; there just so happen to be one in the food court. I had a great grilled cheese and hot chocolate. Both were very good. Tommy had a "loaded" sandwich and liked his very much as well.

The week we were there the Mall was having at kiosk with Food Demonstrations. Angel del Ruiz, Chef D'cuissine was there that day. We stopped and watched him make some delicious food!

~He made us all oysters in butter sauce with tomato and oregano, Yum~

We spent the next five hours shopping. We both did really well not to spend any money in any of the stores. $10 in the food court, $0 spent on items in stores; $14 on tickets and 8.5 hours of entertainment... not bad! The movie theatre line was long and when we got up to the ticket counter we were told “Cash Only”. I freaked out but Tommy reminded me we were on vacation, “We Have Cash, that's all we've been using!”. We usually don't carry cash!

We had a hard time decided whether to see Pirates 4 or Fast 5 so I posted it as a question on my FB and tons of people said Fast 5! It also got much better review and I have always loved The Fast and the Furious and Fast&Furious. I did not care for the ones without the original cast. The inside of the Caribbean Cinema was decorated like Old San Juan and I thought that was really creative and cool.

~For Audrey~

~In the Theatre~

I have to say out of all the movies that I have been to in my life time this was certainly the most eventful...

  1. Cash Only!

  2. 16 Commercials and only 5 Previews before the Movie – 37 minutes!

  3. Didn't think to ask if it would be in English or Spanish!

  4. Best Hotdog I have ever had at a movie theare!

  5. English with Spanish Subtitles with Portuguese dialog and English Subtitles! Wow!

  6. 20 mins into the movie a fire alarm type noise goes off for 6 minutes!

  7. Everyone hoots and hollers and yells upstairs for them to make it stop and rewind it!

  8. They finally make the noise stop and it's back to the dialogue from the movie!

  9. In stead of continuing to watch it everyone is still yelling, in Spanish, at the screen; including little kids in front of us, the woman's husband next to me (angry as all get out) and 12 teenage girls! Geeez!

  10. 5 minutes later everyone shuts up and starts watching the movie again! 2 mins after that...

  11. The movie shuts off, lights go on and a Cinema guy comes in to tell us that they will rewind it!

  12. Everyone starts clapping and yelling thank you in Spanish!

  13. We start talking to the people next to us asking what all he said besides that they will rewind it. The people to Tommys right said, “He said it will take about 10-15 minutes to get it reset!”.


What an eventful movie experience. Thank goodness that the movie was a good one. I liked it just as much as the first one! It actually had a good plot and I thought it was really funny! People in the theatre must have clapped at least 4 times at different parts of the movie; 5 including when they rewound it!

I have to end this BLOG with Shoes! We were in P.R. for almost 2 weeks and I saw 2 women wearing tennis shoes. TWO, that is it! The shoe to wear is the Wedge and the Bigger the Better! I could not get over it! Every single solitary woman under the age or 40 had Huge Wedges on! Most like these but even these were subtle, really subtle!

Most of them looked like these...

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