Tuesday, May 24, 2011

~Puerto Rico - Explore the Fort~

In the morning we got some groceries and packed our camera equipment for taking pictures at Castillo San Felipe del Morro; and packed our beach stuff just in case. We headed out to the Fort and knew that it would be really cool but had no idea that it would be mind blowing!
We had driven by at least a half a dozen times while we were there (this view) but had not been inside before. We thought that it would be big but would not have guessed that it was SIX Levels and so beautiful! Tommy had a wonderful time photographing. It was so hot though.
Lies on the northwestern-most point of the islet of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Named in honor of King Philip II of Spain, the fort, also referred to as el Morro or promontory, was designed to guard the entrance to the San Juan Bay, and defend the city of Old San Juan from seaborne enemies. In 1983, during the Reagan Administration, the fort was declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in conjunction with the San Juan National Historic Site. Over two (2) million visitors a year explore the windswept ramparts and passageways making the fort one of Puerto Rico's main visitor attractions. Facing the structure, on the opposite side of the bay, a smaller fort known as El Cañuelo complemented the fort's defense of the entrance to the bay.

~From the "Water Side" on the Second Level~

~We sat at the Fourth Level for while to cool off~
As we were leaving Tommy saw an English Bulldog and just had to say "Hi!". Boy was the puppy happy to meet him! Look at that face!
After exploring Tommy and I went to another Tapas Place that we had our eyes on all week. The food was good but over priced for what it was; small portions of food that we make better! Either way we had to get a pic.

While I was in the restroom there I noticed a sign that I had to get a photo of... for real? Duh!
When we got back to the car we noticed that we had a ticket! We looked around for a sign that said that we were not supposed to park there but couldn't find one. These girls that walked by said, "Tear it up!". We were not sure if we hear them correctly so when we looked over at them the one girl said, "Do you live here, is that a rental? TEAR IT UP!". So we brought it home to scrapbook! We'll see if we get a letting months from now, forwarded to us from the rental place!
That evening we decided to go to the beach at Casino Resort! We knew where it was (and a lot about it) because that is where Jeff and Jenn stayed.

I can now say that I have been in an Infinity Pool! The pool that was attached to the Casino. It was fun to look behind us and see the beach and ocean. Too much fun!

We went to the casino and played til 10pm. I made my money last at the 1 cent machine while Tommy played Black Jack! We got back to the condo around 10:30 to get dressed and head back out. We were out clubbing til around 3am. Most clubs don't close til 5 am in Puerto Rico but lets be honest, we were getting tired! The next morning we got up at 8:30 am and went to the pool up on the roof.

It was just the two of us laying out for about an hour and then three pre-teens showed up! It was no longer quiet but that was ok. It was fun to hear them laugh and play. Around 12:30 we went in and took a nap. Tommy got up 45 mins later and started cooking lunch. He was sweet enough to let me sleep til it was ready. We ate around 2:30, right after food we went back to sleep and we napped another 2 hours. I think that the two weeks of adventures caught up to us.

~Tommy served Puerto Rico Cucumber with Olive Oil and Sea Salt~

~Then served Pork with Rice and Beans~

After our second nap we got EVERYTHING packed up for the next day to leave; this includes all of our camera gear from the wedding so... three hours later we decided to do one more fun thing before leaving the island. At 8pm we went out to Old San Juan for some restaurant hopping!

We were drawn to the first bar/restaurant because they were playing live music and there was salsa dancing. We sat at at the bar for 10 minutes, at least, and no one tended to us. Three bar tenders passed us by at least 5 times each and nothing. What was really sad is that there were only four other people sitting at the bar. When we got up and walked out the host looked at us like where are you going?

At least we got to watch some dancin'! Next Destination: Back to Dragonfly. That was where we ate with Nef, Nina and Nina. Tommy at sat inside at the huge couch with a covered coffee table to hold our drinks and SUSHI! T was so excited to go back and try some because they have a Beacon, avacado and eel roll. It was really good.

Tantra was the place we ended up at next; mostly because no one else was open. For how popular Old San Juan is we were really surprised that all but three of the restaurants were closed. We had no idea if we would like Tantra or not but we walked in and we were really impressed with the décor.

I asked Tommy to order whatever he wanted cause I wasn't really hunger when we left the condo and I had just had half of a very filling sushi roll. He ordered a duck and plum sauce stuffed soft taco and all of a sudden I was hungry again! Oh my goodness, soooooooooo good!

~Right before we left San Juan~

When we were leaving downtown we noticed that one of the two docked Cruise Ships was moving. We pulled the car over to get out and watch for a few. It was kind of breath taking in a way. I know that sounds silly but true to me.

When we got back to the condo we finished watching the movie Unstoppable on the laptop. The next morning we left Puerto Rico to go home. SAD! We were just getting ready to ship our things over to stay for the summer! Lol!

1 comment:

  1. I’ve been reading about and looking at your pictures of the fort. How amazing!

    Thank you for the virtual tour! You and Tommy are excellent guides – discussing the sights, the food, etc. -Valerie
