Tuesday, May 24, 2011

~Puerto Rico - And We're Off~

Tommy and I got hired to photograph a wedding in Puerto Rico this May! I can't believe we got to stay for almost two weeks. We left on Wednesday the 11th. We left the house a little early, 4am! We flew through Georgia with only 20 minutes between connections and we were off to San Juan.
Guess what air line we flew?
Guess what we found? Puerto Rico Baby!
When we got there Gustavo (Aunt Vengie's Brother) was kind enough to let us into the Condo. Uncle Johnny and Aunt Vengie let us use the condo for a few nights before the wedding. The wedding weekend we stayed at the resort in Isabella. Gustavo was so sweet to also show us around town. He took us for a drive through San Juan and told us a lot about the history and where to eat!!! We, of course, had to get a photo!
That evening we walked (for what felt like forever) to find some food. We ended up (at what was reviewed as) “The Best Sushi in San Juan!”. We split two specialties rolls and they were fantastic! Our waiter might as well have been sitting at the table with us! When we asked him to call a cab he offered a second time to just drive us back. On the way home he told as more about the houses, history and how he grew up “here”. Saved us $20! :)
When we got back to the Condo we "De-Winterized" it! Uncle J and Aunt V are only there for about three weeks out of the year. It was kind of a site to see it. Lots of plastic involved! LOL!
~The Master~

There was a lot that we didn't uncover but it made it a lot easier when were packed up to leave. The Condo was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Three Bedroom, Two bath and a really nice patio!

Later we watched 500 Days of Summer and planned our next day! In the morning we were off to explore Old San Juan! A place that we planned on visiting one day and ended up there for four!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see more pix and hear the stories -vicki
