Tuesday, September 20, 2011

~Four Day Weekend~

The 2nd weekend in August Tommy and I were able to take a "Four Day Weekend Vacation". We packed up the car and headed to Michigan. We were originally busy that weekend and sad that we were going to miss being apart of Bob and Vicki's Anniversary Week in Ludington. After our plans got canceled and we booked the weekend for Aunt Sue's we realized that was week as Luddington! How could we forget? One word: BUSY! What did we do? Tour de la Michigan with both sides of the family.

We left Thursday evening for our first Michigan stop... Grandma Polcyn. We didn't get any photos with her but we got the next best thing, THE FOOD! We felt so special because she made us special treats! Yum! Below: Dinner.
The next morning after a night cap, lots of stories and looking at the Puerto Rico album, we had yet more amazing food. Tommy and I were so glad that we go to visit with her on our way to Westbranch. Before we we left Grandma said, “Looks like your best memories for Puerto Rico are from food and Restaurants!”. That made me smile to see that she noticed that because at Grandma's house the heart of the home truly is the kitchen.
Friday around noon we made it to Aunt Sue and Uncle Bill's around the same time that Aunt LuAnn, Uncle Fred and Mom and Dad did. I love their home on 3rd street. They have a beautiful wrap around porch and creek.
Aunt LuAnn was sweet enough to get this for Dad. Everyone knows he is obsessed with Coca Cola! She found it a Sam's Club and knew he had to have it. We all split the bottles and Mom just used it last week for a dinner party with ice and four types of drinks.
Sarah was in a wedding that weekend and she stopped by to say Hi to everyone on Saturday after she got her hair done, before we met up with the bridal party. While she was there we looked at the Puerto Rico album together. Sarah, Alex and I were the only cousins free that weekend. We missed everyone else but were glad that we at least got to see each other.
Mom and I had to get a photo together. We all needed to go to the art fair in one car so we took the truck and we rode in the back. In my mind, I went back to High School. Too much fun!
The Art Fair was Friday and Saturday and we walked around both days. It was a lot larger than I thought it would be. There were at least 100 tent of vendors ranging from wood photo frames, metal wind chimes, decorative pins, rugs, all kinds of framed art work and even to hand made baby clothes.
While Mom and I were in Westbranch on Saturday (and Tommy was in Ludington) we went to the Outlet Mall and got really lucky with Perfume! I had been looking for Juicy Couture on sale as well at Ed Hardy both in Sets with matching Lotions and Body Butters. Not only did I find both at a great price but I got 20% off each (from a coupon from Aunt Sue) and two free perfumes as gift with purchases. One of them being Jessica Simpson's Fancy for Mom. I already have it and got it for Mom. She was so happy!
While we were out shopping Tommy was up to something fun with his Dad. Although he started his adventure about seven hours prior. The two of them had been trying to get a date in the summer for work for eight years. Finally Tommy could go fishing again with Bob. They had such a great time together working in a team of four for the Tournament in Ludington!
Tommy was so proud to day that he caught a 19 lb Salmon! It was his big catch of the day! I am so glad that they finally got to go out on the boat together. They did not win the tournament but had the best time together. That's what most important.
~Tommy took this photo of me relaxing on the wrap around porch.~

~Another view of their beautiful home and property~
We all go out to eat once a weekend when we get together. Aunt Sue did not have anything in particular in mind and Tommy was begging me to go back to G's with him so I suggested it and we all went out for the best pizza in town. Tommy requested the topping on a pie that make it the "Tommy Special", boy were we happy campers when the food came out!

When we got home from G's the "adults and me" plopped down in the basement and got some work done. We went through tons of old family photos, boxes, documents and more to help Aunt Sue and Uncle Bill get their closet back. LOL. This was after we watched a 70 minute video (with no sound) of the 1950's and 1960's of Daddy, Uncle Fred, Aunt Sue, Grandma Jean and Grandpa Harry. Boy was I having the time of my life. I loved watching them as little kids and it was so much fun to look at old family items and take dibs!
The next day when we left Westbranch we made a stop at Sherni's Candies. The family who owns the store (The Sherni's) are related to Uncle Bill. We ended up getting a couple of sweets for the ride to Bob and Vicki's house. Little did I know where we were off to first....
On our way to Tommy's parents house (and by way home I mean 50 mins in the other direction) Tommy took me to the two camps that he grew up at; Boy Scout Camp and Band Camp. We went to Olde Canoebase (Boy Scout Camp) first. They were so happy to let us in and walk around. Tommy and I got some many pictures there and I got to hear so many stories but I am afraid if I share them all this blog would be an extra 20 pages long!

One one of the trails that we took back to the nature center we came along little turtle crossing the way. Tommy wanted his picture taken with him! Awww buddies for life!
There were many signs all around camp! I liked the saying on each and every one of them. All positive and many very, very creative.
Before we left Olde Canoebase Tommy had to show me the infamous trail. To make a long story short, Tommy got in trouble and his punishment with two other kids was to build new steps all the way down a path. Tisk-tisk!
Then we were off to Camp Mahn-Go-Tah-See (Band Camp). They were also kind to let us and in and roam around. One of the cooks offered us cookies and asked when Tommy attended camp. I couldn't believe her reaction when he said Southfield High Band! I guess after Tommy left the "group" went down hill. The Band Director that Tommy had left the year after he graduated and I guess the new one had no control, to the point where S.H. was asked never to come back. Oops! I guess they vandalized a lot of property to say the least and the Camp couldn't even begin to cover the costs of damage. ANYWHO, this was the Mess Hall and Tommy said it seems so much smaller now.
~Yes, this was his idea!~
When we got to Bob and Vicki's we almost didn't recognize that we were in their house. They had taken down a wall and gutted the kitchen. It looks great so far. We can't wait to see it completely finished!!!

Before we left their house Tommy and I went to the basement to get something and got sucked into looking a Tommy-wammy as a Baby-waby! :) At first Tommy swore this was on Christine but it's Tommy! At least according to Christine! LOL~Tommy at Three Months!~

We made lots of new memories on our Four Day Weekend Trip, that's for sure. I can't wait til we have another one together. It was so great to see family.

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