Wednesday, September 21, 2011

~Grandpa's Birthday~

My Mom was sweet enough to take me Zanesville for Grandpa's Birthday. We went to MCL (one of Grandma and Grandpa's favorite places to eat) the day before. We spent two hours talking about him and about Grandma as well. It was so wonderful to hear Mom tell stories of them both. I also brought an album of photos of my Grandpa and later we went to Uptown Westerville, sat in a gazebo and looked at each and every one of them. What a special day!

It was so nice to ride in the car with Mom, on the way to Zanesville (the next day) and tell her all about my week. When we got to the Cemetery Mom let me have some time alone. I truly felt his presence with me while I walked from the truck to the site. I talked to Grandpa, told him how much I loved him and missed him too. He passed my Sr year of High School and my Mom's Mom passed two years before I was born. Mom say's that she would have loved me and that I get a lot of my creativity, artistic side and design perspective from her. I was so glad that I had time to go.
Mom spent the whole time we were there telling stories of the two of them and showing me around town again. I loved it! This building was Grandpa's old Carriage House. His Mom (my Great-Grandma) lived right next to it. It was completely renovated since the last time we were there.
Here is Mom's old house from when she was a little girl. She told me stories about the family like how Grandma had a kitchen in the basement where she could Can - One more similarity/talent I got from her. And Grandpa literally moved the house so that they could have/build a front porch! Now that's something to say!
We went to Tom's for lunch as we would have done if Grandpa and Grandma were still alive. Well, Tom's or Nicol's! Tom's Ice Cream Bowl is the talk of the town and the only place to really get a great burger and Ice Cream! I spent some much time there growing up. I had a cheeseburger and a Chocolate Malt! We sat and talked for over an hour about more memories!

It was a great day with Mom! Grandpa, I love you and miss you everyday. Xo!

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