Saturday, October 8, 2011

~A 5 Year Old Nicki Minaj~

My friend Jill turned me on to Nicki Minaj last year. I like most of her music although I am not a big fan of her videos. Her latest single "Super Bass" has my heart, and so does this five year old little girl! It's a great song to dance and work out to. I know that this video is so greatly popular right now but if you have not seen it yet, you must.

My friend Meghan Bryant shared it with me! I am so impressed at the talent that this little girls has. You must watch the whole video. If you have not heard the song before, sorry, just know that is right on the money from beginning to end. Although there have been lots of comments about how disturbing it is that a five year old when even know all the lyrics to this song... you have to give her props!

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