Wednesday, October 12, 2011

~Ice Cream in Autumn~

Kara and I recently took the kids that we nanny to the Columbus Zoo. The first animals that we visited were the Polar Bears. One of the, Twin Girl, Polar Bears was making us laugh so hard! I couldn't get the video to load onto the Blog so you have to click on the "this" link and go to my youtube page. I have seen them both be active and playful before but NEVER like this!

I forgot to add in my last Blog about a night I had with Brooke and Audrey! It was a Tuesday while Marvin was playing Softball. Some say, "I can't believe you did that" but I did! :) I was driving over to their house and sitting at a red light. I backed up a few car lengths (and by that I mean 5) to line up with an Ice Cream Truck. Obviously there were no cars in my lane. I rolled down my window and asked, "Where you headed?". He said two blocks North and I asked if he was willing to go a mile East, he said yes and we were on our way. Before he even got to the Wendorf's house 10 kids were chasing him down. I told Marvin to send the girls out and it was treat time for them! They each got a Scooby-Do Pop made of Caramel!
I do have to say that this photos says nothing about what was to come! THEY MELTED so fast! I ended up getting the girls bowls and spoons and it was still a mess that the three of us couldn't even handle as a team. I really should have gotten an After Photo!Tommy and I were so happy that we were able to pull off making it to Travis and Catherine's Wedding Reception. The Wedding was in Tucson, AZ and sadly we were not able to attend. Tommy hurt his food playing basketball on the first Thursday of the month. Sat the 8th we were to be in Grove City, poor Tommy had to go crutches!

Travis and I have know each other since I was born and he was a few months old. Below are two photos! One of me and Travis when we were little and one from the Reception.
~Catherine, Travis, Me and Tommy~
~Living up the Gimpy Life~

My little sister Hannah (on the left) attended her first High School dance that same Saturday. I can't believe how much older she is getting! The four girls had dates and they all went in a big group. She brought over her dress the week before and showed it to me. We picked out some jewelry from my closet and she was good to go!
~Daddy with Baby Hannah and Me back in 1997!~
My Mom's Birthday was October 3rd and boy did we have a surprise up our sleeves. Her friend (and our family friend) Doug wanted to make a Meal for her and have us over as well. Dad took Mom out to Easton. He said they were going to dinner (after walking around) but that he forgot the restaurant coupon and had to run home really fast. Somehow he got her to walk inside and we all yelled surprise! She said it was the first surprise party she had ever had! The kids (J, A and R that I have M-F) and I made banners! Five of them.

5. PIE
To hang up at their house for fun! The five of us all had a great time eating and talking together. Tommy made some of his Grandma's recipes to go along with Doug's soup. We were all full by the time the cake came out! But who can say no to cake?

The kids asked me what I was doing that night and I said that I was going to my Mom's Bday party, they asked if they could make her a card and buy her a gift! They asked so kindly I couldn't resist. A picked out a Princess Paddle Ball and a Glow-stick shaped as a wand. LOL. It was so stinkin' cute to watch my Mom open them! I got her some Scentsy products for her plug-in, some mini note cards and The Big Bang Theory: Season 4 on DVD. She loves Big Bang!
The H's and I have had lots of October Fun this year! We went the Zoo, two of three different parks and made some fall recipes. We also decorated their kitchen with pumpkin and witch crafts!

This story is too funny! A, R and I went shopping to get a few things we needed to make Lasagnas! One for a dinner party that Tommy and I were having and one for their family to keep for weekend dinners! I ask A to hand me one of the tomatoes but she said she couldn't find them. I said look really hard, they have a picture of tomatoes on them, nothing. Guess who was playing with the rest of the groceries that he stole off the table? He stacked the tomatoes and topped the castle off with a block of Parm. When I asked him to bring them over to use he said, "Make your lasagna in the livingroom!".
~Layering~The next day we met up with my Kara again to go on another field trip to Pigeon Roost Farm! Don't be fooled by the name, it was AWESOME! Kara had four kids with her (no school that day) and I had A and R while J was in school. There was so much to do, I couldn't get over it!!! I only added a couple of photos, make sure to check out the website!
~Kara was very fond of the Camel! So excited! Like a lil girl on her Birthday!~
~One of the many things to do... get your photo taken in front of the Pumpkin Tree!~
~Lexi, A, Jamie and R on the huge chair! One of the many simple but fun things to do~
That same afternoon the kids got a Wendy's treat for completing their weeks worth of chores on their charts. They each have household items and behavioral items, six total that they have to complete Friday - Thursday to go! I went to Wendy's and bought a Frosty and was able to buy 10 Free Jr. Frostys for $1, Coupon Booklet. So we used four of them and had our lil treat. Yes, I was good girl too! :) I also ran into my friends Mom while I was there and her granddaughter. Forgot that they lived on that side of town.
That SAME eve Kara and I got together again for our "Lasagna Dinner Party". The guys usually play basketball together but since Tommy couldn't play we all hug out! Works for me! We also played a never ending game of Risk that night!
Friday the 14th I took the two youngest ones to the Worthington Library for a Costume Parade! They were so excited to get dressed up. We met up with Izzy (Audrey Wendorf's friend) and her family as well. It was fun to all walk together. Izzy was a beautiful fairy.
I think this is a hysterical photo. R thinks that his Frankenstein costume is a Skateboard helmet and shirt. I just had to have him stand there for a photo!
Audrey had her 5th Birthday Party on Saturday the 15th! That will be the next blog to come along! I am just so happy that the weather had been amazing this Autumn. I can't wait to Blog more about this season!

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