Saturday, May 1, 2010

~Sex & The City Premiere~

What a Night? Wow! A bunch of us gals went out to see Sex and the City at 12:01am on Wednesday night. We had a blast!!! So the only place open past 10pm at Lenox was Champs, so of course we went there to eat, drink cocktails and hang out till 11:30pm. We were sooooooo overdressed. lol. The movie was great. We all loved it. I thought it was even funnier than the first and loved the wardrobe changes.

L to R: Michelle, Priscilla, L, Me and Kyla. Rachel (who I met that night) joined us later. We got in 30 mins early and of course it was packed. We sat in pairs all in the same area of the theatre. I sat with Priscilla. We also saw a preview for a new movie coming out called Life as We Know It! CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

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