Saturday, May 1, 2010

~Yard Sale~

My friend Ako and I decided to have a Yard Sale last week. We were so excited to have a couple of days together with Aila, making money! We had such a great time. I could not get over the amount of friends that came to visit us out in Dublin. Two of my friends that had not seen since high school, another friend, Justin, from High School who I saw in Janurary. He works for A.M.P. The Energy Drink. He brought his AMP SUV and friends to take pix to promote the product. Aila had o.j. in her bottle and we took a pic of her as if she was drinking "Energy OJ" lol! Also, Allie... who has been in GA the entire time she's been prego. I had not, ever, seen her prego until the Yard Sale. That includes when she was carrying Izzie. Wow! I ran down the sidewalk to see her! Aila made a lot a friends over the two days! :) She's going to be a year old soon. I can't believe it! The videos below are soooo funny. One is of Aila "done with the camera" and the other is of her singing the end of Old McDonald. She did it for the first time, while I was there. It was so cute. Over and over, four adults would sing "Old McDonald had a farm" wait... and hear her say, "E I E I O"! It was sooooooo cute! I did what I could to get it on video. Of course, when we were not video taping she did it perfectly! lol.

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