Wednesday, January 25, 2012

~A Pencil Collection~

There is still a story to tell about how I got one of my first pencils. I was probably as young as 5 when we were on vacation, at a baseball stadium and my Daddy was buying a Baseball Cap and I said I wanted one. Daddy collects hats from each stadium he has ever been to, yes that's a lot. I remember him saying, "Here you can buy this pencil and have a souvenir of your own.". 22years later I have over 170 pencils and only 13 of them are sharpened. I have never used any of them.
I have pencils from all 49 states that I have traveled to, every baseball stadium, all the national monuments we've been to, plenty from Columbus (like The Zoo, COSI, Franklin Park, etc.), I got a few in London and Paris, and even a 24 pack of baseball team pencils that my grandpa got me for Christmas in 1994.

That same year, in the fourth grade my parents got me a set of "Meredith Stohrer Pencils". I kept one in the collection and used the rest. I will never forget the day that a boy in my class took my pencil then claimed to the teacher that is was his. I said to Mrs. Caw, "Please look at the pencil, my name is engraved in it. I know it's mine!". She did and he had to give it back! Normally it would be a silly story but it was test taking time and I was getting yelled at for not having a pencil out on the table and being "ready to go".
I collected the "Rock Pencils" for as long as I could find them... AZ, TX, OH, UT, VA and more!
Family and friends have also brought me back ones from their vacations. Here are my smallest and largest ones; Barbados and Japan!
I remember the first time I found a wooden pencil! I was so excited! It is rare to find one with any text. Thank you Missouri!

Just this past year when Tommy and I stopped through Seattle to visit my friend Chantelle I got a second one from the Space Needle. They are different styles and I have been there twice! :)
I have a two boxes that I keep them in. One with all the "standard sizes" and one with all the over-sized ones or ones with toppers. When I was really little it was fun to pick out the largest craziest pencil I could find. I love the creativity behind the design of some of them. I have a yellow pencil with a skillet and sunny side up egg on top, one that is shapped like a red heart with a little stem on top to make it look like an apple, a light bulb topper and a plastic container shaped like a pencil that says Chicago. Inside of the container I keep all the pencils I got from all our site seeing in the Windy City.
Over the years I have had so much fun collecting them. I hope that someday one of our kids will want to continue the tradition of getting one each exciting place we go. I also hope that when I am old and grey I can look through the boxes and travel down memory lane, just like I would submerged in a scrapbook.


  1. How interesting!! I’m glad that I was able to see all the fun pictures, too!! -Valerie

  2. I did not know you collected all those pencils. I knew you and your folks would buy magnets as souvenirs, but I think the pencil ideas is a really cute (and inexpensive) idea. Keep having fun collecting!

  3. i love it!! it was SO fun to visit the space needle for the first time and see the both of you as well <3 and it was very interesting to find out that you had a collection of pencils :)
