Monday, January 2, 2012

~Welcome to the World~

Tommy and I stopped through GA when we were coming home from Puerto Rico this past May. We were so excited to see my cousins Andrew and Susan, who moved there after they got married. We went out to dinner on our layover and they shared with us that they were expecting! Let The Journey Begin...
An Email from Susan on 7.21.11:


I decided to have Andrew take a picture to show the family my baby bump progression. I'm now at 14 weeks and officially in the 2nd trimester. It's crazy to think that we're already 1/3 of the way there, and even crazier to think that this is nothing compared to how huge I'm going to be by the end! We have a chance at finding out the gender at my 20 week appointment which should be the first week of September. We'll let you know! Until then, feel free to share your gut feeling on gender. I figure if I guess and am right I get total bragging rights! I think it's a boy, Andrew thinks it's a girl. Any guesses?
From Susan on 11.8.11: It's amazing how skinny everyone around me looks!! With ease they can bend down to get things on the floor, sit in a student desk with room to spare, and fit through what I now think are very small spaces! I realized yesterday that I very well could be the size of a turkey on Thanksgiving. All in all, I'm still thankful that I have been feeling well and that things have been going so smoothly. I hope this picture helps to take some of the shock out of when I see some of you in 2 weeks! Love, Susan

~Mommy at 30 weeks along. Officially, its a Girl!~
Susan (Baby Madelyn Marie), Sarah and Me at Thanksgiving!
Over Thanksgiving weekend we took a poll on Date, Weight, Length and Time that Baby Maddie (as Andrew will call her) was going to be born.
On the Morning of January 2nd my Aunt Sent me two picture texts from Georgia! Baby Madelyn Marie was born at 5:29am.
My cousin Michael told me that I won the date/time category, that Uncle Bill and I tied for length and that Mom won weight!

As Andrew says, "Here is the whole enchilada!".
We are so happy for our little edition to the family! I can speak for everyone when I say we can't wait to meet her! Congrats Andrew and Susan, Blessings!

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