Tuesday, March 13, 2012

~February = Sick As Ever~

February I was sick more than I was well. I remember saying to Tommy on {Our Valentine's Day} (the 13th), "Yea, Even though my stomach is killing me I am so thankful I haven't thrown up!". Of course I woke up on the 14th and as soon as I sat up I got to experience the first of 16 time getting sick that day. Boooo! I am so glad that is all over. I went to the Doctor and in my opinion, I needed a second opinion. I wanted to answer her with, "What do you know?". I was told I had the Stomach Flu and in reality I think it was more... I couldn't even hold water down. I was only given Acid Reducers - nothing else and told it will blow over in a day or two. Two and a half weeks later and 5 lbs lighter I finally felt 100%. The only good thing about February... two events "I made it through" and loosing 5 lbs. :)

Event #1 - The Girls and I went to see The Vow. In January (thank goodness) I made Goodie Bags for all the girls. They all had Coke, Candy, Chocolate and Valentine's Cards, in Lipstick Kiss Bags!
I loved the movie, we all did. There wasn't a girl in that theathre that didn't jaw drop or "Awwwwwwwwww" at Channing Tatum during the film. He character was soooooo lovable. Knowing that it was based around a real man and his wife made him even better, up there on the big screen. Also, who doesn't LOVE Rachel McAdams? Come on!!!

Long story short, b/c it was opening night we split and saw the movie in two groups. The group shot below is the "8:15 group". We took this shot while the 7:15 crew was in the movie theatre. I wish we had gotten a photo together but the important thing is that they all got their Goodie Bags!!!
Event #2 - Valentine's Dinner with My Hubby. I didn't feel well while we were there but it was great (at the time) to try to eat something besides Jello - never thought I would get sick of Jello and getting dressed up. I wore a new shirt that I got the month before from Victoria Secret and I took the time to straighten my hair. I had to do it sitting down from lack of strength but still, it got done and so did my makeup! We went to Benihana at Polaris and sat for at least two hours. It was nice to just listen to Tommy talk about what he had been working on at work and about our up coming events this Spring! Sushi after three full weeks of Jello and Gatorade probably wasn't the best idea - oh well!
March, much better so far! Hope you had a wonderful February and hope I didn't "bring you down"! See ya next time!

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