Thursday, March 1, 2012

~A Blissful January~

To start out the new year, 2012... Kara, Kyla and I went to Easton to go shopping!!! We did some damage at Francesca's Collections and Victoria Secret! After shopping we went to Bar Louie. We were at Easton for 8 1/2 hours and only went the those three places! Lol! I told you we did some damage!
The second week of January Kara and I took the kids we nanny and met up with Casey (friend from HS) at Greater's Ice Cream. So glad she's home from California. She and her husband Richard have been out there for years and we have missed them (and their three kids) so much! Didn't get a photo of us but got one of Baby Q! He is so cute! Casey even made the hat he is wearing. We had so much fun at Greater's indoor playground and getting ice cream! Casey, I am so glad you're home. Love you!!!
Jill had a great idea for a Girls Night in... Taylor Swift Night!!! We watched her Speak Now Tour DVD and hung out with her daughters. It was a PJ night for the four of us. It was so much fun to watch together since we haven't seen her in concert... YET! I guess it there were five of us, Puppy Sammy decided to join us plopped down on Audrey's lap! He must love Taylor too.
Kyla, Keisha and I went to see Beauty & The Beast 3D! I was so excited do so and it was amazing. It's by far my favorite Disney movie of all time, so fun to see on the big screen again and they did an amazing job making into a 3D movie. I am excited to know that they are also going to release Finding Nemo, Monsters, Inc. and The Little Mermaid again.
~Kyla, Me & Keisha - with our 3D glasses on~Alaska Plate already! Our family plays a game where you keep a list of all 50 States in the car/truck and you set a goal to find them all. We've been doing this since 1992. I was at the library and even got a chance to talk to the woman driving the truck. She told me about how she and her husband went on vacation to Alaska years ago and loved it so much that they picked up and moved. After starting a family there, their second son grew to have medical problems and the only way they could truly afford to care for them was to come home to the states, so they're back in Columbus. She also expressed how, obviously, they would do anything for their son but are so sad that you can not get Care there like you can here.
I had to add a photo of the kids to my blog this month. I snapped this of B&R on the way in to the pet store. It looks like a paparazzi shot to me.
Word of the Day (Jan 23rd): HEAT!
The quality of being hot; high temperature: "it is sensitive to both heat and cold".

Make or become hot or warm.

noun. warmth - ardour - ardor - fervour - fervor - fire
verb. warm - heat up - warm up - inflame
Tommy and I are sad to say that we were without Power for 35 hours and NOT happy about it! We tried to stay warm in our smallest room with many candles as we could find. They did heat up the room fairly well. What room you ask? Our new Guest Bedroom! More Details to come!
Tommy and I went to Michigan at the end of the month for Sarah and Nick's Wedding Reception and to Celebrate Christmas with his family. We had such a wonderful time talking with the family and I finally got to meet one of Tommy's cousins. We have been married four years and Michael has always been deployed when we are home to visit. Not only did I get to meet Auntie Pam's son but also Michael's wife and their three boys.

There was a brunch the next day at Auntie Pam and Uncle Mike's and you know me, we had to get a cousin photo. These are the eleven that survived the day! LOL. Should have gotten a photo in the morning. There would have been more of us. Sarah (Bride) and Nick (Groom) are on the right. They got married two weeks before in Mexico.
Jill and I took the girls to an Antique Trade Show! We has so much fun together. Although I was a like a 7 year old with ADD that kept wondering off.

Jill, thank you for loving me that day! I think I was a little bit on overload, there were so many exciting things to look at! Anyway, I love this photo of J&A as we were walking in from the parking lot. Audrey's personality was shining through from the moment we got out of the Jeep to the moment we left, Oh, you'll see...
While we were exploring we "stumbled across" this massive sized chair. We knew we had to get a photo of the girls in it - I wanted to sit in it! We took our photo despite the creepy man asking for money to take a snap shot of all four of us. It was fun to each find some little trinkets to take home. I got a couple of Baseball Tea Buttons for Daddy and Jill got the girls a Kermit The Frog to share. Perfect timing considering the new Muppet's movie is out now.

As we were leaving Jill took my favorite photo of Audrey EVER! She says, "Whatcha lookin' at foo!". Literally talking the talk and walking the walk. We had a great day together. Can't wait to go antiquing again, only a couple more weeks.
I made cupcakes for Superbowl this year for fun. I found these Wilson Picks and Wrappers on Clearance at Michael's. The cupcakes had a vanilla filling in the middle, almost like a Hostess Twinkies but a Million Times better! Tommy made tons of amazing food and dips as well and Sammy was sweet enough to bring food from Ray Ray's!!!
This is the feedback I got...
Sam Fairchild yum yum yum!
Tara Holmes Best cupcake ever! Thanks M!
Craig Stephens mmmmm mmmmmm delicious....Tara needs that recipe!

P.S. This is the line that Sammy stood in to get the ribs and more. He waited over an hour and a half and they had already sold out of the 2,400 wings they had prepared for Superbowl Sunday. Wow! THANK YOU AGAIN SAMMY, YOU ARE TOO KIND!
Toward the end of January we went back to Michigan to celebrate Christmas with the Feisel Crew! There are a few photos (for me) that sum up that whole weekend. The first group of photos where just what I was hoping for.. EVERYONE LOVING THEIR GIFTS!

~Christine loved getting Pampered Chef Stoneware and Joshua loved Daddy getting "The Perfect Football Book" for them to look at together. Yea for Progar treats!~
~And of course Justin loved his Frogy Kitchenware and His new top!~
~Yea, I do!!!~
There was another lil one who was quite happy this year...
THANK YOU FEISEL'S AND PROGAR'S! It's true, I didn't come out of my studio for a month... and I am just getting started! Ladies and Gentleman, Meredith has a Cricut!

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