Tuesday, March 13, 2012

~March Maddness~

What better way to start out the month of March than with Hannah on her Birthday! I took Hannah out of school for lunch and we celebrated at Noodle & Company and trotted off to Cold Stone Creamery as well. Not bad to get out of school for that...
Cabin Getaway - Just what we needed! Tommy and I went to Hide A Way Hills for a couple of nights over a long weekend. It was so nice to just relax, read and sit in the hot tub... all weekend long!
Tommy, Lauren, John and I Celebrated John's Birthday at Brio and Boy oh Boy did we pig out! We went for Brio's $2.95 menu and tired at least one of everything! I think we were there for three and a half hours. I'm surprised they didn't kick us out! Of course we ordered our fair share between the four of us!
As Ryan labeled this photo... The ladies from our impromptu Tuesday night cookout! We should have it be our regular "impromptuesday"! It's just as it sounds. Girls and Guys got together for dinner on a Tuesday night after planning it Tuesday morning!
Friday we had a Twilight/Dance Party Themed Girls Night. The invite read, "Edward can smell your blood and is begging you to join him on this Full Moon night!!!" WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! Casey came over and held a Scentsy Party for us and all the girls loved getting into smelling all the scents and passing them around. Afterwords we ate pizza and watched Breaking Dawn Part 1! I really enjoyed the movie and was so glad that Kara's Mom and my Mom were able to join us!!! The next day was Kara's Baby Shower... that's a whole other BLOG!
I went on a mini road trip with Jill and Brooke to Zanesville. We went antiquing and to Tom's Ice Cream Bowl again. We decided that it was the first time that we had ever one of her daughters out with us without the other. It was fun but almost weird in a way to turn around to the car seats and see an empty one. Brooke was very photogenic all day long, no surprise!
We found lots of really cool items while antiquing around and as always Tom's was so much fun! I got a burger and fries with a Ice Cream Cake Swiss Roll. Something that my Mom used to always get that I don't think I had ever ordered for myself. It was so yummy!
If it's not obvious to you what this photo is (haha), then you need to learn... click here! All I'm gonna say is that I learned about this from Tommy in March and I have a feeling this is going to become an activity that becomes apart of our lives.

We went to Shadowbox and saw Smoke & Mirrors for a much needed date night! One of my favorite shows of theirs in a long time. Since they have moved downtown their staff and actors have about doubled. Most of the people performing in this show were from the Easton Location and we have missed that Crew. Don't get me wrong, downtown has been amazing to experience in comparison as far as location goes but it felt like home to me. Wow, just writing that made me think of Chantel Kreviazuk's song.
Kara and I took the 6 kids (Jack was in school) to the Zoo. It was the most beautiful day as far as weather does but we sure had some behavioral issues and meltdowns! When everyone was behaving well we were able to grab this shot! I do have to say that the last few times we were at the Zoo (around 10am) all of the animals that we saw were awake and very active, made for a nice visit.
Tommy and I had a wonderful March! We have already had some fun April events together, despite the weather change! God, please bring the 70 degree weather back! THANKS!

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