Monday, March 5, 2012

~Grandma Came to Visit~

We had the pleasure of having Grandma come for a visit this year! For the first four years of our marriage the front bedroom was Tommy's office. Now that we have a studio space in Worthington Tommy and I have since turned that space into a GUEST BEDROOM! And who better to have our first guest be than Grandma Polcyn!

~The Guestroom before Paining~
Tommy and I were thrilled with the bedding and looking for some furniture for the room. We were starting to get frustrated with trying to find something that would work and then a miracle happened. I was out with the kids, walking Rt3 and saw a Candy Store with a going out of business sign. They are actually just going to be an online store and were selling their retail location. This is what I saw...
This dresser was 25 bucks!!! Yes Please! It fits perfectly in the room! It was meant to be!
Grandma walked in and she couldn't believe her eyes! She said that she knew and COULD TELL how hard we had been working on the house to get it ready for her! I am so glad she loved it. She wasn't in the house for more than 10 minutes before the two of them started cooking. I have NO complaints about that!!!
~First on the List, Grandma's Egg Bread~
Tommy was so excited to get to make Grandma's Egg Bread with her. It is truly one of her staples. She makes almost two or more a day whether it be for friends, family, herself, the church or the community. I am almost certain she could make them in her sleep if she wanted to!
The three of us celebrated Christmas together that weekend. We were so excited to learn that Grandma had made Quilts for each of the Grand-kids and Great-Grand-kids! That's a lot of work! Each quilt was specialized to that person or couple. Ours (which is placed permanently on the couch) is Green and Orange, our wedding colors! How thoughtful? Part of the fabric was even from our table runner at my Feisel Bridal Shower.
I found some Melody Ross "Homemade Tags" at Archiver's and couldn't leave the store with out them. I thought it would be fun for Grandma to use them when she gifts more of her quits. She loved them and was also excited about her Pampered Chef Items we got her.
On Saturday Night (after cooking all day) we went to Shadowbox Downtown Columbus. The show was so funny and I think she really enjoyed herself. We saw "Body Language" and loved it.
~Right before we left we got a shot in front of the sign!~
Sunday we went grocery shopping and got ready for my rents to come over and join us for dinner. Tommy and Grandma worked so hard and made some amazing goodies to eat!!! Here they are stuffing the meat.
They made Cauliflower Soup with Homemade Croutons and Beet Chips on top! IT WAS TO DIE FOR! There were also little flowerettes in the bottom of the bowl to help hold up what was on top.
Tommy's cousin stopped by to join us for dinner as well. He was able to get a photo of all of us. Aparently we all got the dress code memo - we match!
Grandma made a Flan with Tommy. He has made it before and has not been as happy with the texture. He learned what he needed to fix and he's glad he knows what he was doing wrong now. I have always loved it and hope he makes it again soon.
Monday morning Tommy made his amazing bagels and eggs for us. I went to work and the two of them cooked all day long - surprise, surprise!
The next morning I had off work and stayed in my PJs as we started cooking once again. I think Grandma's goal was to give us enough food to eat off of for weeks! Her plan worked!!! We even froze some of the food and said we would defrost it as we go along on nights that we are short on time to make dinner. How convenient.
Tuesday night we went Downtown to do something that we like to do - Appetizer Hop! We wanted Grandma to get even more of a feel for our City. The first place went to was Due Amici for a Wild Mushroom Pizza!
We also went to Rigsby's and had Oysters and a Sampler Plate. We wanted to go to Burgundy Room next but they have closed!!! Tommy and I were in shock. We have attended many Birthday Parties there and gone to eat there ourselves many times over the last four years.
We were getting ready to leave and Tommy insisted to Grandma that she at least try Jeni's Ice Cream.
We got little kid size scoops after trying at least 15 different samples. I got Gooey Butter Cake* and it was to die for!!!

*Buttery, Ohio-honeyed ice cream, layered with chunks of homemade vanilla sponge cake saturated in our caramel sauce. The delicate and light yet sturdy cake perfectly balances a sweet and hearty ice cream.

Tommy and I were so glad that Grandma got to stay with us for as long as she did. Tommy grove her back the next morning after I went to work and we all had another amazing breakfast together. It was very sad to see her go but we know someone has a birthday coming up... ;)

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