Friday, April 23, 2010

~What's for Dinner Toight~

On April 14th I saw an episode of RR that I fell in love with. The meal that she prepared looked soooooo amazing. I was waiting for a special night and/or dinner party to make this and just couldn't wait any longer. It's a blood orange chicken and onion recipe. I made it a couple of nights ago and it was just as good as I thought it would be. Check out the video of Tommy getting the chicken to carve. Oh my gosh, he was making it do the macarena. Yeah, you heard it!

Rachel Ray's Page with the Recipe

~Logan, Abby & Hayden~

~Abby's Spring Shoot~

You probably recognize Abby by now because she's on the Sr's, New Age Foto page and I have blogged about her a couple of times before. We are doing four sessions with her throughout her Sr. Year. This way we can market a four frame cut out with a picture from the fall, winter, spring and summer to show how much she has changed in her last year as a high school-er. She is one of our representatives for Centennial High School. Her older sister was one of my bridesmaids. Here are some of our favorite pictures from her Spring Session.

~Baby Hayden~

Emily and Joe are a great couple that we photographed last year. Joe's sister and her hubby were at the wedding. As a matter of fact, his sis was a bridesmaid and she had just given birth to their first son Hayden. We had the honor of photographing him the day after he turned One! Here are some of our favorites of the lil guy! He was so much fun to photograph. He can't walk yet so he "rolled to us" and was memorized by 4 adults shaking toys and keys over Tommy's head to make his look toward the camera and smile.

~Love this pouting one~

~Logan's Shoot~

Logan is a Sr from Dublin. We had a great time photographing him downtown. While we were photographing him I was talking to his mom. Long story short, they lived in MI and ate at Uncle Brian's old restaurant all the time. It was too funny!

~Where the Wildflowers Are~

~Where the Wildflowers Are~

When I was younger we used to go to Oakland Nursery every year to pick out flowers with my mom for Mothers Day and we'd go home and plant them together. On Marland Drive we had a huge front yard and flower bed along the front of the house. For the last five years we have not planted much because we are both in condos and are not supposed to plant. This year we said forget it, we're doing it. We need some color. I have my garden of herbs and veggies in pots but we went ahead and bought this wildflower bag to throw in the back yard and some other little flowers to plant. So happy that spring is here.

~want and didn't get $39.99~

~looking at the tomatoes that were already started. we decided to get seeds!~
I'll add pix of my herbs later. They are growing like crazy.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

~Hemophobia? Don't Look!~

So you might recall a blog post called ~T + Chisel = 3 Hours in the ER~. This one should be called ~T + Stove Door = 3 MORE Hours in the ER~ Oh my goodness. So it's about 10:30pm and Tommy took off the inside glass panel to the stove door to clean it. There's a 90 degree piece that holds the door from bending back more than 90 degrees itself. While he was cleaning the glass the metal piece went right though his hand. He said it didn't hurt at all, it wasn't until he notice blood everywhere (2 seconds later) that it had even happened. Earlier this month he wrapped up his hand, had a consultation with a bride and then I proceed to convince him that he need to go get stitches. My daddy came over and sent him off to the Hospital. THIS TIME, Tommy was begging me to rush! "We gotta go, Now!" Thank goodness we made it without any gushing in the truck and no blood on my carpet, yeah! When we got the Hospital, we had to wait. I was not happy! Not Happy! I'm actually pretty sure that I made that very clear after waiting 45 mins to stop the bleeding and get 7 stitches. After we got all taken care of (by a doc that was a spiting images and similar personality to my cousin Andrew) we were headed to the lobby. By the time we had walked the 50 ft (to the lobby) Tommy noticed something dripping on his leg, he looked up at the ceiling, thought there was leak, oh no, BLOOD! His blood dripped out of his hand, down his arm, on his clothes, shoes and he left a nice lil trail, apparently, so he could find his way back. lol. It was a mess! They got him allllllllll bandaged up the second time and he had to sleep with his hand elevated! Poor baby, he also can't hold anything over 10 lbs (hello camera) and had to miss his golf day with the guys in Norwalk. :( Hopefully he will get better soon. It's his right hand too so there goes editing images! Guess who's doing that work now???!!!

~Spring Fun~

~Spring Fling~

Ladies and Gents Shadowbox is back with a new show for spring! Tommy and I laughed about having seen 4 shows in March. Well April brought the same cast with new music and new sketches. My friend Andy is in the Band and a few of the sketches, each show. If you have not been out before, you must go. They also do a Spring Musical... this years is Woodstock! In the spring show they did a snip-it (one number) of the Musical. It was amazing! Tommy and daddy went to see it last month and really enjoyed it. They said it was unlike anything from the regular shows. Now that I've seen a snip-it, I get it!

~Grad Girl~

I have a great friend named Jenny. Our rents have been friends for years. Her younger brother, Doug, is my age. Jenny is a few years older than me and has been working very, very hard in school. We went to her graduation on the second of May. We were so excited to celebrate with her. There used to be four families (one being ours) that went to Myrtle Beach every year for a vacation and who got together once a month for card night while the kids played. We have stayed in touch with the Ambergs (Jenny and Doug) and not so much with the other two families. The Bowmans moved to London when I was in High School and the Donovcheiks moved when I was in 8th grade. The Bowmans are in Kentucky now, so they were not able to make it! On the other hand, the two girls (and rents) of the Donovcheiks were! I WAS SO EXCITED! It had been way too long. Holly has three girls now and Amanda has three boys including twins. I had the most wonderful time talking with Amanda. I miss the good old days when we would run around the neighborhood looking like this...

~Me leaning on Amanda~
~Miles D., Me, Amanda D. and Doug~

I was so happy that we got everyone together for a photo. The cake was so good too. Tommy and I were going to split a piece, after the second bite, we had gone on to get second piece. Yummy. I love the last photo of all of us although sad that the D boys (Miles and Brad) and the Bowmans could not be there.

~(Adults) Amanda, Doug, Me, Holly and Jenny~

~Tommy Babysits~

Last week Jill and I wanted to go to Scrapmainia but at last minute the girls were left without a sitter. Normally I babysit but was going to Archivers with Jill. Guess who stepped in? That's right, my man! Tommy baby sat the girls Friday night from dinner to bed! :) We "left them" playing baseball in the back yard. Brooke just started a few weeks ago and is really really good.

~The last time I saw Brooke she was spelling her first name out but now she
can spell her last too! So proud of her.~

~One of Audrey's "Looks"! Boy of Boy!~


Tommy's cousin Carmen came into town last Saturday. They met up for lunch and I met up with them for dessert at non other than Due Amici. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Classic! Below are some fun pix that Tommy took and a group shot of the three of us. Carmen is the middle child of five kids. She and Tommy share the same birthday, May 28th. There's an ongoing joke that Carmen still "thinks" that Tommy is mad at her for ruining his birthday. See, someone was having a birthday party and someone else decided to come out of mommy's womb. Yep, you got it, everyone left Tommy's birthday party to go to the hospital to visit the new baby! Of course, once again, it was brought up, "Tommy, are you sure you're not mad at me for ruining your 7th birthday party?" lol.

~Malinda and Aiden~

One of Malinda's little girls was one of my flower girls in our wedding, Elle. We were so excited that Malinda and her youngest (in mommy's belly during our wedding) were able to come visit for a day trip. We had the most fun! We went out to Edememe and Aiden loved it! I swear her four will eat anything! Aiden had rice, beef, edememe and ate a lemon! lol. He was pooped by the end of the day. I love his car seat picture.

~Mothers Day~

This year was an extra special Mothers Day. Mom was in the hospital for a few days before Mothers Day. Long story but she is doing better now. For the day of Tommy decided to cook for mom. We went to a restaurant called The Winery on 23 while she was in the hospital and had an amazing tomato soup and the cutest lil app ever. It was asparagus wrapped in toasted bread and borzone cheese topped with reduced balsamic vinaigrette. Wow! We took some left overs to the hospital along with humus and she did not have much of an appetite at the time. So for Mothers Day we made it ourselves to serve to her so she could "really try it". No only did she love how everything tasted but it had to of been good for her to get some "non-hospital" food in her system. Plus, daddy loved the meal because it was the first "real meal" he had in almost a week. For a gift I got mommy a voice recordable photo album. I added pix and text and recorded, "I love you mommy. You are the best mom in the whole world. Happy Mothers Day!" Needless to say from pix, she loved it!