Thursday, April 22, 2010

~The Biggest Looser~

Ok so there's no need for me to go onto “The Biggest Looser” but I am ready to loose some weight. Tommy and I have each gained about 15 lbs since we got married. I claim it's ok because we never gained the “Freshman 15”! lol. For us we walked to class, didn't have a ton of money for food and I was taking dance classes every semester and playing tennis with Becca twice a week. Well, now it's a little different. We'll just leave it at that! ;)

Our friend Alisha gave us the DVD set called Intensity and we are ready to rock. Well, not really! We are actually scared but willing to make the commitment. We are set to go to Maui next year to photograph a wedding and we only have about six months to get into shape and be “beach ready!”

Wish us luck. We just feel like if we announce it we will be held more accountable.

Meredith: Weighing in at 130lbs, Goal 115lbs

Tommy: Weighing in at 178lbs, Goal 165lbs

Hopefully we can pull it off. I already got a new suit that hangs in the closet so that I am reminded every day. Side note: So glad that winter is over and Spring is here!

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