Tuesday, August 10, 2010

~Family, Sessions & Kindercook~

On Sunday (the 8th's) evening Tommy and I went over to my rents house to visit with my family in town from Michigan. My Aunt LuAnn and Uncle Fred and my Aunt Sue were able to make it in. Uncle Bill was working and none of the cousins were able to come. We still had a great time talking and playing games; including the Stohrer/Jennings/Feisel Dart Tournament. Guess who won last year? Tommy! Guess who one this year? Me! Daddy made a trophy. We also have a Checkers trophy for Aunt Sue's house and a Pool Trophy for Aunt LuAnn's house. We also shared some stories of our wedding season and future plans. It was a great time had by all. When we got home this lil guy was in our stairwell. I thought it was so funny that he was just sitting at the top of the stairs as if he was waiting for us to come home. Monday morning we went back over to my rents house for breakfast. We had a traditional Stohrer/Jennings breakfast; Waffles topped with ice cream. Yummy! I know that this is one tradition that will never ever get old. When we got home THIS guy was on our tomatoes! Can you believe it? I had never seen anything like it! I was just waiting for him to start talking to me, like the one from Alice in Wonderland.

Tuesday Tommy and I both got up early and started working so that we could take some time in the evening to spend with one another. By 6 we were at the gym to work out. Later when went to the pool, so nice to go. We were going to go to Movies By Moonlight at Easton to see Top Gun but we knew that we were going to have a big day on Wednesday so we decided to have Movies by Bathroom Nightlight. LOL. We put Top Gun up on the big screen in Tommy's office and watched it in there. We still had the same food and drink that we would have packed in the cooler to Easton. It was fun to watch the movie again. It had been a while. Also, Tommy made an amazing dinner, amazing.

Jackson on Tuesday!Wednesday we had a morning session with Elise (from middle and high school). She is engaged to Stephen, a military man. They are getting married next August. We were so excited to shoot their engagement session. The first hour was spent in The Shoe. After the session we went to lunch with Tommy's Aunt Sandy. It was great to see her. She came in from Norwalk. We also had a session in the afternoon! My friend David from High School is a DJ now. He hired us to get some new shots done for promotional materials. We had a blast. Got the studio set up with room for him to bring his turntables and more. Tommy and David also went downtown.

Jill signed Brooke and Audrey up for Kindercook: The Basic's of Cooking for August's fun camp! So, Thursday and Friday I took the girls. They got dropped off at our house around 8am. We left around 9:30am. Between then, we played UNO Spin, played with my camera and watered the herbs and veggies. They were so excited to be big helpers. Warning: Cute Pix A'comin'!

So someone spilled applesauce on her leg, someone turned around to get a paper towel and when someone turned around... someone took care of the mess herself! LOL!
We stopped by my mom and dad's house. Daddy found a stick shaped like antlers, Oh My Goodness! The girls could not get enough of him, "Do you work for Santa?" and giggle!
Young Chefs Academy's Lessons... Day One: Crab Cakes and Mac&Cheese; Day Two, Hot Dogs and Potato Fries!
Kindercook was so much fun for them. Usually, I am with the girls, holding hands, etc. Kindercook preferred that "parents" not be in the room with the kids. It was so hard for me not to be there for every second of the class. I know that they had a really good time though, I was watching from the corner of the room. They had the kids up on high stools, I still wanted Audrey to be ok sitting up there.
~So Happy~

Friday evening Jill and I went to Archivers for Scrapmaina. It was so much fun to take some of my new items that I got for my birthday. Plus I had the gift card from Vicki. It was so much fun to use my new products for out 2010 album and some other special little projects!

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