Tuesday, November 16, 2010

~Due A, Horst, G.N. & More~

MONDAY we went out with Tara and Craig for dinner at Due Amici. It was Dine Originals in Columbus this week and D.A. was one of the selected restaurants. We were so happy to try some new items on the menu (for that week only). We got the three course of Fettuccine Rustica, Organic Chicken, Spice-Rubbed Duck Breast and the Warm Hazelnut-Custed Ohio Brie. I ordered off the regular menu with one new item and we shared out plates. Oh my goodness; so good!

TUESDAY Valerie and I went out for lunch. We met up at Panara and hung out for a while. It was so nice to see her. It had been too long. The past couple of seasons have been so busy; for us both. In the evening Tommy and I had Pizza at Mom and Dad's. We just spent our time telling them all about our Cincinnati trip and what-all was to come for the rest of this week. I also got this pic below in an email from Archiver's. I think it's such a cute little advent calendar. I found out that it actually comes in a package to create too. I was wondering how many number packs you would have to buy to get 1-25!

WEDNESDAY our intern E was here. She moved in next door (on Marland) when she was only 3 weeks old. She is in H.S. now and on Wednesday's has to intern for someone; That's Us! We ran around town running errands. While we were out we ran to Jill's work to say, "Hi!" She's leaving soon for a while for work and I'm not happy! LOL.
Tommy and I went to a new Bible Study around 6 and really really enjoyed ourselves. After we left Johnstown we made it home in time to meet cousin Bert in our driveway. He came into town to go Whiskey Tasting with Tommy. They had so much fun trying flights of Whiskey and tasting some good food. Of course we had to be up at 7 the next morning and the boys came trotting in at 2am! I was long asleep.

THURSDAY T.J. Horst had a show at Luxboheme and I modeled. I was so excited to be apart of it. My rents were able to come to this one; which was extra exciting. This pic was taken before the hair, make up! I can't wait to add pix that Tommy took. After the show, selling some products, shopping myself and helping Priscilla the four of us went to Due Amici. It was soooooo exciting to go with them because they had never been there before. It was so funny that Tommy and I were just there on Monday but it never gets old! Daddy was so sweet to treat us! We got two of their best pizza's! I will say 4pm-1am in stilettos... a lil too much. ;) I was happy to get them off when I got home.

FRIDAY Night was November's Girls Night. We had a really great time. Alisha, Bizzy, her son Eli, Valerie and I watched the Devil Wears Prada and made Hot Dogs and a Smores Treat! We borrowed my Mom and Dad's Popcorn machine and Hot Dog Maker.
Our Smores treats turned out really well. I got the recipe out of a Popcorn Cookbook by Patrick Evans-Hylton. Tommy helped me make it before the girls arrived. I was so grateful for his help because I had not gotten my second wind for the day yet.
~Eli's lil monster p.j.'s were sooo cute!~

We turned out living room in to a little play area for Eli. The girls brought his lil baby gate and some toys and we played, ate and watched the movie. He was so much fun. We moved the couch back to block the 20 ft wall of shelves and we were good to go... baby proof!!!

~Me, Bizzy, Eli, Alisha and Valerie~

SATURDAY I went out for lunch with the Wendorf's. Jill was leaving on Sunday for her longest trip and I knew we had to get together! Saying goodbye on Wednesday wasn't enough; LOL. We at at On The Border and I gave her a gift to take on her trip. I made a card for her to open for each day she is gone. She was so excited when she opened them!

After lunch I attended Meagan's baby shower. She and Jeff are having a boy; last week I got to see what they have done so far for the nursery. It's so cute decorated with Animals galore. They live a couple doors down and the party was at our Clubhouse. I made her card and got her a Baby Record Book and gift card.
Jeff also made Meagan a cake for her birthday to present to her at the Shower. She turned 25 and we all laughed as we sang happy birthday; he accidentally put the numbers in backwards! She then joked about how great she looked for having a baby and not to "hate that she's 52 and having a kid!" :)

Tara decided to throw Craig a Surprise Birthday Party this year. I was not feeling well but Tommy still met up with everyone. They hung out at Advantage Joe's. I was sad not to make it but I know that they all had a great time watching football and hanging out.

SUNDAY morning at Church some of the Sunday School kids came out to perform for the congregation. It was so cute.
I had been drying sage and oregano for two weeks and they were ready to can. Sunday I was able to sit at the dinning room table and finish my project, yeah! Below are my newly dried herbs. I am so excited because they are so potent. I can't wait to make our next pizza. I am going to add some freshly dried oregano.

Once again, what a week! This week is going to be fairly laid back; which is nice. I think we only have one weeknight event. I have been working on the house getting the Halloween decorations down and the pumpkins and other fall items still out along with having my new cinnamon apple oil tea light burning. I am so excited about all the fall things around me. I must say though, I am extra excited about decorating for Christmas. Is it December yet?

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