Monday, November 22, 2010

~November Fun~

Harry Potter 7.1 came out last Thursday night at midnight. I surprised Tommy by getting the Adventure Ticket Collection at Easton We got to the theatre at 5pm and watched Order of the Phoenix (Year 5), Half Blood Prince (Year Six) and then Deathly Hallows (Year 7; part 1 of 2). It was so much fun and the best part was that not everyone forked up the money to go and so the theatre was only half way full. When the movie started at midnight AMC opened over 10 others but never let anyone else into "our theatre"; it felt very V.I.P.! Tommy and I enjoyed the movie very much. Deathly Hallows was done really well. It left us wanting more. We can't wait to see the 7.2 and final movie.
Last week I made a new breakfast meal and it was so amazing. It's Creamy Scrambled Eggs on Rye. You take the tomatoes, put cinnamon, salt, pepper and EVOO then bake them and add them on top! Even the way you make the scrambled eggs are cool. You add heaving whipping cream to eggs in a sauce pan an stir for two minutes till they turn scrambled. They flavors together where incredible.

On Wednesday I put up the tree. I was so excited to decorate it again; every year! After I took this picture I wrapped some more gifts and stuck them under the tree. I am ready for Christmas!
Jill has been out of the country for work a lot lately and right now she on a 20-something day trip in London. I went to visit the girls tonight. They are headed to Michigan for Thanksgiving and I wanted to see them before they left. They were acting so funny when I got there. I finally got them to go into the playroom and get a book to read. Brooke got distracted on the way with a new Cars Memory Board Game that Audrey got for her birthday. We opened it, sat in the hall up stairs and played a round. They were so cute and Brooke was so sweet to help Audrey get some matches.
I got this pic of A-Dub before I left... I LOVE IT!

Happy Early Turkey Day! See ya later!

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