Thursday, February 3, 2011

~Aila Lin Marjorie~

Last week I had the joy of babysitting baby Aila. She has grown so much since the last time I babysat her. I did see her at my Pampered Chef Party but I have to say that I was really busy while she and her family were there. She has this thing where when Mommy and Daddy leave she gets really sad; irregardless of who is sitting. She even does it to her Mom when her Dad leaves and vise versa. :( She would start to calm down and out of no where start crying again and take my hand and walk me to the garage door and asks, "Mama? Papa?". Made me so sad.

~She loves getting her picture taking and being goofy!~

My favorite memory from the night was coloring the Aila. She loves to color. We only had two crayons; purple and yellow. She would point to the paper and "tell me" where to draw. I would draw a heart and she would smile at in then pick a new spot for me to color something else. It was so stinkin' cute and went on for almost and hour. Even after we put away the paper she wanted to get it back out again and color more. So sweet!
She was cracking me up with my phone. She already knew how to scroll along pictures! Even when she gets to a video she knew to double click to make it play. I got my camera out and video taped her doing so. She had just had a little cry fest before; so she's a little teary-eyed in the video. She double clicked a video of Jill and Marvin's girls. That was funny. Over all we had a good time together. I have missed spending time with her.

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