Thursday, February 3, 2011

~Jackson Update~

The second week of January Tommy and I had Jackson's new family pick him up. He moved to West Virgina. He's living with a great guy named Ben. Recently he sent us some pictures as an update. He said the first couple nights he whined a little at night but other than that he is doing so well. Ben has 2 acres of land and Jackson's new favorite thing to do is run around like crazy. As you can tell below he also still loves sitting on his pillow and hanging out. Hopefully we will be able to get a visit in someday!
Sitting on his pillow, being lazy! Perfect!
Jackson giving Ben hugs in his new home!

Finding Jackson a new home was a very hard decision for us. We traveled so much last year and are going to be traveling again this year. It's better for him to be in a stable environment with a regular day to day schedule. And we know that Ben will be great with him!


  1. This made me want to cry, but I'm so happy you guys found him a new home.
