Tuesday, February 1, 2011

~The Start of A New Year ~

I started this year with a visit to my good friend Casey. She and Richard were in town over Christmas and the new year. They have three beautiful children. Casey started selling Sensey recently. As we were going through the scents Elle took the lids off of each one of them and handed them to me, one by one, to smell. It was so cute!!! She would tell me her favorites and her "not so much's"! LOL. Their youngest Quentin is such a little chunk chunk and happy happy baby! Nate was napping while we took the photos. :( Sad that he wasn't in them.
~Elle, Casey, Me and Quintin~

Our friends down the street just brought home their baby boy! His name is Roman and he's the cutest little baby boy! He's healthy and loves to move, stretch and smile in his sleep! We have gone over to visit three times now and at only a month old; We can't believe how big he's gotten!
I had a Pampered Chef Party and the only photo I got was Aila playing on her daddy's phone! LOL. We had a lot of fun though. I ended up joining that night! I am now a Pampered Chef Consultant! I have had a lot of fun with it to so far and it has been the perfect choice to sell right along side my Mary Kay!

When Tommy was in Connecticut the week I had my Pampered Chef party. While he was gone he challenged me to get a perfect 300 on our XBox360 Bowling Game! I did get a Seven Bagger and beat my personal best! Yea!
Our Bible Study went out to dinner around the first of the year. We went to Benihana at Polaris. It had been a while since we had been there. We never got a group shot but of course I got one of the food we ordered. On the left is the Vegas Roll; it's our favorite! The green layer is a slice of jalapeno, the yellow a spicy mayo sauce and the red a spicy sauce. We had a great time talking while sitting around a table of eight. We are so blessed to be apart of such a great group.

Tommy and I had Tara and Craig over for dinner. It was such a great time had by all! The girls were thrilled because Tommy put Craig to work in the kitchen with him and Tara and I lounged together! The guys made Perogies and re-created Thanksgivings dinner again. Fig stuffed port tenderloin, fennel and waldorf salad. We had a great time talking! It's really cute that Tommy wore his apron at the table!
Mom and I spent a day together and while we were out we decided to meet up with Tommy and go to Black Creek Bistro on Oak. It was the first time she had been. Tommy and I were there the week before and loved it! Tommy read a few reviews and said we must go! It was totally worth it; both times we went. When Mom and I were there we split a portabella, tomato, grilled onion, mayo sauce and avacado wrap. Yum! I want to go back and have it again.

Also, We just found out that one of my good friends (and her husband) are having a baby girl! They have been waiting to find out! Now they know! Yeah! I can't wait to find out what they are going to name her!
More Blogs to Come; I know we are behind! :)

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