Friday, April 8, 2011

~Alex White & Friends Concert~

Our friend Alex (of Alex White & Friends) played at Mojoe on High on Thursday night! He plays all around Columbus quite often but this was the first time that Tommy and I could make it out to see him play because of our schedules. We were so glad to finally get out! The invite said that if you wear your AW&F gear you get their new CD for Free! What did I do? I went out and bought a little "boyfriend tee" and some iron-on letters and made one myself! It was Tommy's idea and Alex was still sweet enough to give us a CD!
Tommy ordered me a Lemon Martini and we sat and listened to the guys play! They played some cover work, some older music of theirs and some new music of the new CD that we got while we were there. It's called UNDER THE INFLUENCE and here is there website!

~The New CD Cover~

It was so great to run into a few people that we knew! I saw Rod Peterson and Sarah Stolz from CHS and Amy&Friends! We have met a couple of Amy's friends multiple times at Lux shoots and VIP Parties!
After the Concert we went to Mac's for some food! I was not hungry but Tommy was dying for food! We got a burger and a couple sides and watched the Reds game while we ate. It was a ok food but the service was great! Be prepared! Their Website sucks! LOL!

We had a great night and the next few days are going to be filled with more fun! Have a great weekend! Take care and enjoy the weather! I heard it's supposed to be in the 80s! Yea!

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