Tuesday, August 4, 2009

~Birthday Surprise~

Before Jill and I left to go to the Clippers game for Dime a Dog night she brought a box upstairs to my house. I asked her what she brought over to show me. "Ummm, I'm just bring up a box that the mail man left." Jill said. I got so excited when I saw that it was addressed to me. Most big boxes (that are not labeled Mary Kay) are for Tommy. I wanted to open it and Jill pointed out that it was not to be opened til my birthday... even more exciting, a birthday gift! I saw that it was sent from my father-in-law and mother-in-law in MI. I opened it just hours past midnight for my birthday. It was so well done on the inside. There was zebra wrapping paper and a pink home made birthday card. Wanna see the gifts? Check them out! Vicki even made the gift in the bottom right corner.

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