Saturday, August 1, 2009

~End of July 09~

July is coming to an end. We ended the month with a bang! I think we had a very busy month. I have been helping Tommy with the company, Newagefoto & just started shooting, myself. It has been a lot of fun. So far I have had doggie, baby, mom& datughter and family shoots. Thank you to everyone who has been networking for us.

Aunt Arlene and Uncle Don came to visit. I had not seen them since HS!

Strawberry Shortcake Sandwiches for desert. Yeah!

Before a shoot, drove by Malinda's old house. One of my Flower Girls used to live there. The 6 of them moved to Cinci. We miss them so very, very much.

Ran into Weiland's because Tommy had not been there. Didn't buy anything but wanted the whole store!
With out AC sometimes you just need to make yourself a shake at 11am! lol.

We were so excited to go out with Alisha and Brian to the Movies Under the Moonlight. We watched Annie (the Original) and ate Burgers that Tommy made! Yummmm! Napa Vally Smoked Basil and Sun Dried Tomato Burgers! Yeah! I also passed out lots of business cards that night.

~Alisha & Me after the Movie~

~Little Sis and Me~
Hannah as The Great Dalmuti with the new puppy I got her.
Hannah playing the roll of The Great Dalmuti... poor Glenn! 9 people around the table and H made Glenn stand up for that whole round of cards.
Tommy and I started out as The Great Dalmuti and The Lesser Dalmuti. Oh what a night!

We went to "Fifth Friday" on the last day of the month. There are usually 5 or 6 "5th Fri's" a year. Our Parents and the Kendship group get together on those Fridays at my rents house. Tommy and I try to go to as many of them as we can. We missed the last one. I always eat, play games and hang out. We played a game at the party called "The Great Dalmuti". It's so hard to explain so I got the description offline. You have to play it sometime. We played once with my cousins in MI. 13 people around the table with these rules!

~In The Great Dalmuti, life isn't fair. One round you're at the top of the heap, and the next you're peasant scum in this fast-paced card game of medieval one-upmanship! Players take their places in the pecking order and try to get rid of the cards in their hands. The faster you do, the higher you'll go. But don't get comfortable, because in a single hand even the lowliest serf can knock you back to the fields. Sound unfair? Sure it is! But the sweet taste of victory could make it all worthwhile.~

I also shot a session for my friend Lockhart and his little girl. Pictures for that will be up soon. August here we come... less than a week til I turn 25! Ahhh! Well, that's it for the ~End of July 09~! Later!

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