Friday, July 31, 2009

~Bad Dog~

Jackson was anything other than a good dog today. Although, I can't lie everything bad he did... we ended up laughing afterward. First of all... Jackson took a box off of the couch (by the front door) and ran with it, of course only to be found later looking like this... yes, including all of the peanuts in the box.

Shame on you Jackson. When I came home from Meijer, I was handing Tommy some bags of groceries to take up stairs, mind you the front door was open. Jackson was sitting right by Tommy being good til he saw the divine opportunity to RUN! He went darting down Sowerby Lane toward the end of the street, made a U-turn and went running past our door, past the mail boxes and he was off to the pool. As soon as Tommy put down the groceries and grabbed the leash Jackson thought, "Crap!" During this time, our neighbor was backing out of his driveway. I stopped him in front of our home (with my 1/2 of the groceries in hand) and said, "I don't know if you saw him darting down the street but-". He interrupted me and asked, "The Man?". "No sir, our Dog." Just as I said, "Dog!" Jackson made a dash four our yard, crossing in front of our neighbor's truck. Thank God I was there to talk to him. Tommy walked as fast as he could to sneak up behind Jackson. I swear the Circus was in town because Jackson trotted Tommy around the rim our our grass three times before he got him. Of course after all that running, Jackson went #2. At least he went in our yard. Tommy brought him in and puppy plopped down on the cool kitchen floor. As I am unloading groceries I had to yell, "Jaaaaaaaaaaaaackson" once again... he let out the worst smelling fart of all, "Bad Dog!". Thank god for Fresh Sent Fabreze!

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