Wednesday, July 15, 2009

~Harry Potter~

Wanted to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter last night... did not happen! No big screens left (day's ago), waiting all afternoon to get good seats (no thanks) and it ended up that there were traffic jams and craziness after the movie. Plus, we're not into the whole attire thing! lol. So we saw it this morning. Tommy and I both got up early and got a lot accomplished before we left for Easton. The movie was good. I was scared a lot of the time, but we are talking about me. Tommy is still "processing" the plot and what happened at the end. We bought the 6th book, not to long ago but we have been so busy we only got to chapter 3! lol. T claims that he did not want to read more of it b/c he did not want to ruin the movie, if it did not live up to the book that is. I liked the humor in The Half Blood Prince. I laughed a lot through out the movie which made up for all the scary scenes.

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