Saturday, July 4, 2009

~3rd of July~

I woke up this morning to a Hawk outside our bedroom window. What a site to see! I got some pictures of him until Tommy decided to “Cawwwwwwwwww” at it! lol.

Tommy then made it up to me by making breakfast! A quesadilla with scrabbled eggs and cheese, Yummy!

Mom and I met up with Norma, Hannah and Lisa yesterday at the Columbus Museum of Art. We saw Kleibacker’s Class Act exhibit. What works of art, each dress was so unique. Before hand we ate in Derby Hall. I had fish with a vegetable cake and an alfredo sauce filled with cappers (one of my favorite things). When you go the CMA you must eat at the Pallette Café. The food there is ALWAYS so wonderful and each day, chef comes up with a different Menu of at least five choices.

After the exhibit we (of course) went to the Gift Shop. I had been looking for a small watering can for me and my green thumb. I found the most perfect one… a “little black teapot”! How cute?

After the CMA, Hannah and I met up with Tommy to see the Disney/Pixar movie, UP! I thought it was a emotional rollocoaster ride. Every minute of the movie was either 'laugh out loud' funny or really really sad. Overall, good movie. Monster's Inc. is still the best D/P to me.

Tonight downtown is hosting, once again, Red, White and Boom! Tommy and I decided to go over to my parents’ house and have a cookout and play games. He and I helped grill and cook! We played Raco (a Feisel family tradition) and some yard games too. We had such a great time.

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