Sunday, July 19, 2009

~Proud Saturday~

Today was such a Proud Saturday for me! lol. Four "Proud" things happened.

Number one ~ I have my 1st strawberry growing on my strawberry plant!
Number Two ~ Brooke and Audrey helped their mommy clean their picture frames! What Great little helpers!

Number Three ~ Brooke made a picture of us. L 2 R: Meredith, Jill, Tommy, Marvin and Brooke... yes, Audrey did make the cut... although she is kinda small. Can you find her? It really touched me that she colored us!

Number Four ~ Audrey has been walking on her own without her walker! I am so happy for her that I could cry. "Take That Doctor!"

Also today we had dinner with the Marvin, Jill, Brooke and Audrey. Tommy and I made Ribs and French Fries. Audrey LOVED the french fries we made. The pictures below are of more fun we had this past Saturday.

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