Wednesday, July 8, 2009

~Tennis w/Leah~

I got together with Leah over my lunch break today. We had a fun catching up, taking our dogs to the dog park, making and eating pizza and played a little bit of tennis. Leah and I were on the tennis team in High School (Centennial High). I have missed playing tennis so much over the last couple of years. Last year I went out (on the first day of spring) to play and completely ingured myself running for the ball. Sounds wimpy, the entire left side of my body was bruised. Not fun! I have been so excited to get out this summer but have been sooo busy. We mosly just hit back and fourth and made each other run, but we had such a great time. I also got to see Leah (and hubby's) new house. I am so excited for them. They have such great features and are going to have so much fun remodeling, room by room.

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