Monday, July 6, 2009

~HS Friends Reunite~

I was so excited to have some friends from High School and hang out for an evening. Annie, Allie and Matt brought Megan, Jake and Izzie over to play. We had a cookout and played at the pool. Izzie kept calling Megan, "Nugget" and Megan kept calling Izzie, "Dizzy". It was very entertaining. I also took Izzie to the bathroom while we were at the club house. Izzie said, "It smell like a girl was here!" Translation = "Boys are smelly, and this bathroom smells nice." Then she followed with a such funny question, "Meredith, do you know how to wipe poop?!" lol! Translation = "If I go, I will need help wiping!"

~Mommy & Baby~

~"Nugget & Dizzy"~


~Jake being a Flirt~
~Family Fun~

~My New Best Friend~

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