Sunday, July 26, 2009

~Recent Events~

Sharon and I went out on Friday night to Easton to get a hot chocolate and hang out for a few. We ran into T.J. Max where she fell in love all over again! Here’s the purse to prove it. How hot is that? Don't worry she only got one of the two.

I took this picture because I went to Douglas Elementary School and my dad taught at Ridgeview for 7 years before he started at Centennial when it opened in 1976. I thought it was cute.

Jackson looks so annoyed in this picture! I love it! He was chasing his rope and as soon as he stopped he had the cutest look on his face. Of course as soon as I get the camera, he moved and gave me this look! What is this?

I had to take this picture for my daddy. How funny is it that Oreo’s not only made baseball themed cookies but that they had 5 styles inside. Go Ritz too… I love it!

I treated Tommy this weekend to an A&W Root beer float. We went in after we left Meijer and sat down for a few minutes and talked. We went in there for the first time last week. Back already? Yep!

Tommy shot a wedding on Saturday that gave these wine bottle corks for their favor. He brought it home for me.

This Sunday morning Tommy and I went shopping for Operation Christmas Child Boxes. My friend Valerie supplied me with shoe boxes. We went to Office Max, Staples & Target for their 1, 20, 25 and & 50 cent sales on school supplies and then found some beach toy that were 75% off = 35 cents a piece. This year worked out well. One stop shopping x 3! If you would like to donate NEW toys, school supplies and/or hygiene items to these boxes just let me know. Click here for info to make your own box! Boxes are sent out November of each year. This is my 11th year making boxes.

Poor baby didn’t want me to take his picture apparently. I bought a Harry Potter Puzzle at Half Blood Prince… I mean Half Price Books! It ended up costing (brand new) under $4! We started it tonight. It’s 500 pieces and it’s a hologram puzzle. I have never seen one like it before. Tommy was kicking butt at it. He did the faces of all the kids, in less the 30 minutes. Go T! It will not take as long to do this one… hint, hint Snoopy!

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