Wednesday, July 29, 2009

~New Dress~

I fell in love with this dress a while back. It’s from Victoria Secret and it’s part of their PINK University Line. I wanted this dress so bad but could not justify spending the amount of money (they wanted for it) on it. Well, I get the mail last week and saw that the Victoria Secret catalog has a $10 gift card in it for my Birthday… so of course I go online to get the dress. Guess what? It’s on sale for $12.99! I finally got it in today. It looks so fabulous on! I want the whole line! I already have their U of M tee and now the dress. Can’t wait to build the collection! Yes, you heard it! Go Blue! Sorry Daddy! ;)

1 comment:

  1. This dress looks so cool and casual... I got a new full sleeves dress from Macys...
